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Odborná prax v zahraničí – záruka profesionálneho a odborného rastu
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to successfully manage a profession theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills and experience from a real working environment figure as crucial. The fundamental aims of this project are: to obtain sufficient practical skills and habits in order to practically carry out tasks from the field of economics, to be able to apply the knowledge acquired from theory, to able to act self-sufficiently and to manage tasks from the field of economics. The main aim of the project is to extend the vocational education of the students by using the knowledge from the vocational training in the teaching process, to increase the competitiveness of the students by this international vocational training, to prepare a complex system of practical training within the framework of the subject training firm in cooperation with the students. Another aim of this project is to increase the level of professional competence and the level of the students' skills as well. The international training ensures the connection of vocational education and theoretical teaching with social and entrepreneurial practice, the extending of knowledge from the vocational subjects gained from the previous years, the learning of practical skills and habits. We would like make sure that our students will be able to apply their knowledge in n unknown real working environment. Our aims are the following: 1. for the study field Management of tourism, number of participants 12, study year: 2nd and 3rd, target country: Italy, length of the mobility: 3 weeks, time of the mobility: October 2015 -to learn about the management of an international hotel - department of marketing, restaurant, reception -to learn about the traditional Italian cuisine, drinks, about the gastronomy of Italy, about the preparation of Italian specialties, drinks -to learn about the division of work on the department of marketing -to learn about the offers of the hotel and about its marketing strategy -to learn about the work at the reception (welcoming of the guests, registration, documentation, dealing with claims, presenting the programs of the hotel with the prospectuses of the hotel) -to increase the communicating competence of the students 2. for the study field Business academy: number of participants: 12, study year: 3rd, target country: Hungary, length of the stay: 3 weeks, time of the stay: October 2015. -to learn about the management of an international hotel - department of marketing, HR and economic department -to learn about the division of work on the department of HR -to learn about the principles of job interviews and about personal interviews (situational games) -to learn about the tasks at the HR department -to learn about the division of work on the department of marketing -to learn about the offers of the hotel and about its marketing strategy, about the creation of a marketing plan (principles, rules, competition, market) -to learn about the work of the economic department (document archiving, copying, carrying out tasks in MS Office programmes, ordering, invoice classifying) Student will have a chance to learn about the work of firms abroad, they will learn the professional vocabulary in English, they will identify the terms that are different in Slovak and in English. Communication in a foreign language enables students to improve their linguistic and communicating skills, which should be actively used in business correspondence with other training firms abroad. We defined the needs of the students by a committee of teachers of vocational subjects and by a psychologist. We emphasise the importance of work in an unknown working environment, because every participant needs the feedback from his/her tutor to learn in what part they need more work, they also need to try themselves and they need to be forced to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. Students need to learn about the international trends, working discipline, new marketing methods, HR. The description of the group: study field business academy - 3rd year, target country: Hungary, number of students: 12 study field Management of tourism - 2nd and 3rd year. target country: Italy, number of students: 12 -the participants are healthy, without any health issues and they do not need special treatment -they speak English and German on B2 level - level upper-intermediate based on the CEF -50% from the total number of students comes from a socially disadvantaged environment (unemplyed parents, one of the parents works abroad, divorced parents, orphan)

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