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Od śrubki do satelity - dobre praktyki w nauczaniu fizyki w gimnazjach oraz fizyki z elementami astronomii w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych.
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SAT project answers the current problems in teaching physics in Polish, French and UK public schools. The goal of the project is: a/ to change the teaching system in Poland by providing an innovative curriculum with inquiry-based learning methods which use modern tools like interactive whiteboards, open educational resources and experiments, b/ to provide good practices to French and UK public schools. The results will be be disseminated on conferences and workshops for teachers. The first workshop wil be intended for so called educators - teachers from the whole Poland and specialists from the teaching training centres, who prepare similar workshops for other teachers in their own regions. We assumed that if we had 25 educators on the first workshop and everyone of them prepare 8 to 10 similar worshops for other 10 teachers, at least 2000 persons would be trained across the whole country (about 15% of all physics teachers in Poland). The number of teachers who will directly take part in conferences and workshops prepared by coordinator and partners is 290. The SAT project will finance only 4 direct actions (2 conferences and 2 workshops). Regional workshops will not be financed within the project. Good practices will be prepared as a publication for French and UK schools. These publications will be able to use in all French and English speaking countries all over the world. The partners will undertake actions to spread the information about results during local workshops and other educational events, visits in schools, by their websites, social services etc. Benefits of the SAT project are guaranteed by the multiplier events and partner actions. The events are diedicated for teachers, but there are also other beneficiaries: pupils, schools and training centers. Long-term benefits can be define as follows: a/ introduction of modern and innovative educational methods of physics to Polish, French and UK schools, b/ improvement of teaching quality, c/ stimulation of pupils interests' in STEM disciplines, d/ support for teachers professional development, e/ improvement of an educational offer of schools and teachers training centres.

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2 Partners Participants