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Обучение без граници
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As an dynamic process, education goes through different stages, but information is always its basis. With changing interests and abilities of the modern generation, the way in which the information is transferred is changing radically, too. The classroom is the place where information meets those who are ready to accept it. The modern technologies presence there means that information is acquired faster and the educational system is up to date. This is a way of facilitating interaction between teachers and students. In this direction, our mission with the project “Unlimited Education” is to modernize the teaching-learning process in VSEE, turning it into interactive and collaborative with the realization of PROJECT GOALS:1.Acquiring basic knowledge and skills about the matter of electronic training – distant, computer, based, web-based.2.Acquiring knowledge about different kinds of electronic education and resources, as well as finding the most suitable depending on specific subject field. 3.Creating skills for working in different environment of electronic education (EEE) and knowledge of their application Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)4.Acquiring knowledge of methodological and deductive principles of electronic education and training process in EEE, interaction, team work, individualization in the training, modules, flexibility.5. Acquiring knowledge about creating and working in virtual classroom.6.Developing skills for creating and organizing accounts, groups, inner communication, schedules of trainings – Learning Manag-ment System (LMS).7.Developing of range of tools for adapting and creating digital curriculum content.8.Acquiring skills of planning and developing electronically based subject units Learning Content Management System (LMS).9.Creating interactive non-line presentations Prezi, Pow Toon.10.Acquiring skills for work with ADOBE CONNECT –electronically based educational platform.11.Overcoming the time and space limits of traditional school lesson.12.Creating of mutual project by the beneficients of the project – data-base in electronic environment with digitally based school lessons and courses in the field of general and/or vocational training and education.13.Facilitating teaching qualifications and staff transfer in EU.14.Enlarging foreign language competences in the field of educational software.Beneficients of the project will be 16 teachers in the field of general and vocational education and training in VSEE- Plovdiv, selected in two groups – in ISP,UK and in WBS,Germany, selected by given criteria, which will accomplish short term intensive training courses with especially designed program, which answer the identified needs.RESULTS of the current project are the following:The results are summarized as follows: acquired basic knowledge about the nature of computer-based and web-based e-learning;acquired knowledge about different types of e-learning and resources,and deve-loped skills for the selection of the most adequate, according to the specifics of the subject area; acquired skills in various e-Learning knowledge, skills and competencies, for the organization of educational process in e-learning:interaction, teamwork and individuali-zation, modularity, flexibility, in accordance with the basic methodological and didactic principles in e-learning;created a virtual classroom;available skills for the creation and organization of accounts,virtual groups,realization of communication in a virtual classroom,managing the training schedule;acquired skills to work with a specific set of tools tailored to the front area;available range of digital-based content in general education courses and vocational training;set of non-linear presentations, PREZI, PowToon; acquired knowledge and skills to work with ADOBE CONNECT;developed model learning environments, unlimited by time,space and national boundaries,established a joint project of teachers:web-based learning environment developed with digital lesson units, thematic courses in subjects and tests,increased opportunity of exchange.The project team is with the chief officer:principal of VSEE,the team in partnership of training organizations and with made in advance agreements between the partners,will provide the adequate quality and correct accomplishment of the projects goals.The impact,of project activities and their results is wide ranged. As whole they can be divided three levels of impact:the staff of the participating organization –VSEE, ISP and WBS, as well as the target groups of the teaching staff and the students at VSEE. Last, but not least,the impact of the project results will have European aspect creating atmosphere of transferring, not only of teaching professionals and qualifications, but also transferring good practices. Long term benefits of the project combine the idea “Unlimited Education”- education and training unlimited in time space, social opportunities and national borders.

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