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Nyissunk Európa felé!
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the Erasmus + tender the Érdi Eötvös József Vocational School will send ten IT applications/IT network administrator students , and 5 venders to Austria, Wien. The professional training will take place between 18th June-15th July 2017., within real-life working conditions at companies. 11th to14th grade students take part in the training and one 5them is disadvantaged person. The training aims to have the students become an integral part of a foreign working team in their field of chosen profession; to apply and improve their learnt skills within a real working environment; to acquire knowledge of new technologies ; develop their professional language skills and due the real-life working situations improve their general skills (i.e.: team-work, communication with clients, taking responsibility, work place behavior…etc.)Since the students become part of a real workplace for a short time they can have personal impressions regarding the value and use of their future profession, making them more motivated and focused in their studies and their professional self-development. They significantly improve their learning and professional communication skills in a foreign language; they become confident with improved social abilities. They will be able to have experiences different form the Hungarian working conditions and – if there is such – different professional methods and procedures as well.In addition it’s an opportunity to look into another country's culture, everyday life, and thus become more accepting and open. The host companies and workshops will constantly monitor and evaluate their work, and help the students to expand their professional knowledge and language skills.
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