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Nyelv és gyakorlat - a plusz a képzésem során
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Eighteen students, all learning trades related to hospitality (cook, pastry-cook, restaurateur and waiter), took part in the project, aiming at further developing their social, technical and language skills. During the four-week-long practice in Germany the students were assigned to work in pairs at hotels and guesthouses. In the course of the project they could also practise team-work in a new setting. They became acquainted with new technical tools of the trade, which they may be able to use in their future work. The project helped and will continue to do so in the future to harmonise our training system with the economic expectations set by the European Union. It is significant for us that our students obtain the mandatory knowledge that provides them with job security in the future. The six weeks of intensive preparation encouraged them beyond doubt to further improve their language skills in native environment. Their linguistic competence has evolved considerably since they were required to use their German language skills in foreign environment. While communicating with guests and colleagues courtesy and good manners were very much in the focus. The improvement of their language skills also contributed to the establishment of fine social bonds. Throughout the project they learnt that the correlation of processes is a key to success. This is particularly important to our students learning the profession of restaurateur who are going to operate independent establishments in their future work. Overall, the experience was highly rewarding.

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