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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context: “Liceo Talete” is a high school firmly rooted in sound tradition, whose mission is to harmonize scientific method and humanistic culture; it is also committed to curricular improvement through projects and didactical experimentation. “Liceo Talete” is currently determined to make a quantum leap as to methodological innovation, by means of intelligent use of ICTs on a regular basis; furthermore it hopes to give impetus to the process of internationalization of the school. The project "NUOVI PERCORSI FORMATIVI PER LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA" ("New curricula for the European citizenship"), which has a 2-year duration, aims at providing teachers and workers - who are more open to innovation and experimentation - training opportunities in Europe. Its goals are as follows: 1) to improve their language competence, their relationship with the European school environment and to gain Europass certification of acquired experience ; 2) to allow them to learn new didactic methodologies employed in Europe, specifically in the science, literature, art and language sectors. This may involve the use of ICTs; 3) to motivate them to apply the acquired skills to new didactic models at curricular level such as twinning with other schools. 4) to involve them in the construction of a methodologically advanced curriculum on the net. It will be focused on international cultural exchange and aims to promote a truly European school. 5) to promote the dissemination of acquired experience and skills by encouraging the involvement of “Talete High School” colleagues as well as other schools under the jurisdiction of the First Municipality (Primo Municipio). Participants' profile: each of the participants teaches in a different subject area of the school (science, maths, literature, foreign language or fine arts) and holds specific organizational and didactical responsibilities within the school. It is made up of an influential group of participants capable of promoting innovation. In addition to the teachers, the participants include the technical assistants, who will be responsible for applying technological innovation and laboratory methodologies. Stages of the project: School year 2014-15 September: the project will be included in the POF and a group will be set up to arrange and manage the training activities; September-April: mobility of activities; May- June: reports will be written; the curricula will be reviewed and programmes developed in the light of the new methodologies as well as twinning with other European schools. School year 2015-16 September-June: activation, monitoring and final assessment of activities as well as dissemination of gained experience throughout schools in the jurisdiction. This will be done by groups of teachers who will build up a vertical European curriculum on the net. May: the promotion of an international conference on the curriculum for European Citizenship with the participation of local and foreign schools, institutions and associations. The impact envisaged in the short term consists in a) the systematic, permanent and widespread introduction of modern teaching practices and a stimulating learning environment compared to a more traditional one; b) the increase of student motivation, which aims at promoting full educational success ; c) confrontation with other European schools; d) better self-assessment ability. In the long term the project aims at curbing school dropout, professional certification for teachers at European level. It also seeks to forge closer relationships between the Institute, the students and their families while establishing a more dynamic and engaging school model, thus making “Liceo Talete” a point of reference for the jurisdiction; furthermore its intention is to contribute to the process of European unification.

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