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Nuove professionalità attraverso le Competenze per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile. New jobs throgh ESD competencies.

The Project was created to match the work world needs and to enhance the effectiveness of education and training systems, through supporting the development and acquisition of new skills to enable an approach to an economic and social system which is deeply changing.To this end, it was necessary to build a strong and synergic interaction between education and vocational training systems and the world of work.Through the synergic collaboration of all partners, the Project developed an instrument to support the construction of VET actions for ESD key skills development.The instrument came as result of a transfer of innovation from a previous Comenius project, 'Competences for ESD Education for Sustainable Development teachers '.Integrating and enriching the results of the Comenius project with the contributions brought by the experience of the international Project partners and by the requests/needs of the SMEs’s and the public administrations', were developed some Guidelines.The Guidelines have been publishedin form of manual, named:'EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. A tool to design training courses.The project was implemented by a Consortium composed by representatives of the VET system, SMEs, public administrations,both at the national and International level.The international partnership, represented by Municipality of Malmö (SW) and Leuphana University Luneburg (DE), collaborated offering its deep and broad experience on activities and training in theme of ESD, at the public administration and at the SME level.The VET systems was represented in the Consortium by two Secondary School Institutes and by the Vocational Training Service of the Province of Grosseto; this is the public body for territorial economic and social development which has the institutional role of training and of planning of training actions at the local level.Confindustria Grosseto in the Consortium played the role of giving voice to the the SMEs's needs.It is infact the leading representative organization of industrial producers which compares with political forces and trade unions. The envisaged impact was the identification and development of new skills in the field of Sustainable Development and thus work opportunities through new professionalisms in the activities created by the sustainable development approach.

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6 Partners Participants