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NUOVE METODOLOGIE PER L'INSEGNAMENTO IN CLIL & TIC : per una riqualificazione del profilo professionale del docente e per l'apprendimento in un contesto multi culturale
Start date: Aug 11, 2014, End date: Aug 10, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context The two-year plan of staff training of Liceo Russell provided study opportunities and professional development for teachers at foreign institutions, chosen according to the type and quality of the courses offered and a guarantee of experience and reliability. The courses done at prestigious institutions in the UK, Spain and Germany lasted two weeks on average and had been chosen with specific reference to the following areas of concern highlighted in our institute: - strengthening of language skills, from a minimum B1 level; - CLIL methodology for secondary school teachers; - innovative methods of language teaching and learning; - use of ICT; - focus on 21st century skills; - European dimension in education through opportunities to meet and work with teachers from different countries. Objectives The Liceo B. Russell in Cles is committed to the training of its teaching staff to: - improve the language and teaching skills of CLIL teachers through specific courses ; - develop the linguistic and teaching skills of language teachers; - develop awareness of European citizenship; - investigate the effective use of new technologies. These objectives were central to the project: the subject teachers worked on the methodological and organizational aspects of CLIL and improved their level of language (English, German and Spanish); the teachers of European languages ​​(English, German and Spanish) were able to reflect on their learning and further improve their language level. All teachers analyzed new educational perspectives regarding the use of technology and 21st-century skills. Participants The participants were 21 teachers, all working in our school at the start of the project. All of them are committed to school improvement and highly motivated to improve their language and methodology skills. They were all able to follow a course in a foreign language and very interested in the development and use of new technologies in the classroom. Activities and methodology All activities were agreed upon with the partner institutes; the participants were offered a programme of social and cultural activities to promote integration with other participants. The main activities included: - linguistic development; - analysis of relevant cultural aspects ; - development of projects and educational activities; - conscious use of technology. Once back in Italy, the teachers implemented the content and methods they had learned in the foreign country, putting principles into real classroom practice through specific educational projects. Expected results and benefits After returning from the training experience, some subject teachers sat a higher level language exam and designed modules or entire courses in L2, particularly in the final school year. Language teachers supported colleagues in the elaboration and implementation of such modules through team planning and ongoing assessment of the possible problems, in addition to trying out new ideas and classroom activities, also with the help of technology. All teachers submitted a comprehensive report on the experience, highlighting strengths and some weaknesses, especially on the organizational level (for example, accommodation in the host country in some cases). Furthermore, the support team collected all the documentation on courses and projects implemented and organized several meetings among teachers for dissemination purposes. At the conclusion of the project, in addition to the short-term results above, one can be proud of the long-term benefits: the teachers involved have improved the quality of their teaching, are now more motivated to continue to do better; they definitely acquired subject and language skills that will last over time.
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