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Nuove metodologie didattiche e nuove tecnologie per crescere aprendosi all'Europa
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Institute has always been active regarding the national funding grants for projects aimed at the professional growth of teachers and pupils but it has been lacked for European and international projects. At present the new Manager Staff has decided to open our school to the European context and do an Erasmus + Mobility project in order to acquire greater awareness of the European citizenship. We decided to attend two training courses which respond to the needs expressed by the staff. The first one is about the Integrating Technology-Based Constructivist Learning Approaches into Classrooms and involves two teachers and the school manager, the second one is about the Effective Use of Tablets in the Classroom and it involves three teachers. The courses will be held in Antalya, Turkey. The trainer Authority will be the same and the period will be the last week of August for both the courses. The choice of the course participants will be the result of a transparent process of selection that will take into account important aspects such as motivation and linguistic preparation. At the end of the first course, participants should be able to know how to effectively apply the methods of learning in a constructivist classroom work. At the end of the second course teachers should be able to know how to use the tablets in the classroom, with the aim to facilitate learning and improve motivation in students. The training provides some preliminary actions: before the beginning of the course (preparation of the participants), ongoing evaluation and final evaluation of the course carried in the medium and long term. In order to pass on the skills and knowledge gained by the participants we have drawn up a dissemination plan at different levels, from local to external one, from regional to international one. For as concern evaluation of the relative plan, it provides different stages and different actors. From the initial one, made by the teachers on the courses taken to that made by pupils on the teachers. It will be very important the stage of the evaluation on pupils about the degree of satisfaction of the new methodologies used in class and the assessment of learning of the same ones, with the measurement of their performance. The benefits will be different: from the most immediate (on pupils, on the professional growth of teachers, their language skills, and on those of the entire Institute), to the long-term improvement of the international profile of the same Institute. Moreover, the POF will be expanded, opening up to Europe. The benefits will not regard only our Institute participating in the project, but new horizons will open up, gaining new knowledge and skills, also for all other groups concerned by the work of dissemination.

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