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Numbers become Art
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project 'Numbers become Art' (acronym Be.Art) is an experimentation on flexible and innovative education and the use of ICT. It develops a pedagogical pathway by taking into account a problem common to many educational systems in Europe, and shared by the project partners, concerning the learning/teaching of Maths and other scientific subjects. Starting from the awareness of the difficulties many students have when approaching them, the project wants to offer a different view on how numbers can be dealt with and become matter for creating visual art. It offers an interesting innovative approach to arise confidence and look at maths, biology and natural sciences with different eyes. Additionally, it may ease their learning and teaching by creating a closeness between apparently distant areas of study. The experimentation provides pedagogical instruments and solutions which can be appreciated by teachers and trainers and facilitate their job as it helps provide equal opportunities to those students who present specific difficulties.The transformation of abstract data or tables into a piece of work of visual art can be, for students and teachers, a useful means to overcome resistance and convey motivation and beneficial outcomes as it involves a creative process. Moreover, the use of ICT/Infographics will be enlarged and improved being it the means by which purely theoretical data are transformed into images. In the project's attainment, this will ease the critical assimilation of the value of numbers and digital information. All in all, the 'scientific subjects-visual art' approach wants to consitute a peculiar method of joining creativity and effectiveness based on the experimentation of a didactic practice aiming at building up and testing an innovative pedagogical module which considers the transformation of abstract figures, data and scientific information into a visual product linked to image/visual art. The project fact files a crucial point of the project is the joint participation and collaboration of students, teachers/trainers and staff. There will also be the support of external collaborators the topics will be agreed on by the partners according to an organized thematic schedule in order to create a multi-part final product in the form of Art exhibits. field of study: the TERRITORY. Numbers, data, information, etc. will be extracted from the study of the territory from different standpoints: urban, environmental, historical, biological, naturalistic, architectural, etc. use of ICT: e-learning by means of video conference and webinars use of ICT: after the selection of data, information, graphs, etc., they will be processed and transformed into visual works use of ICT: creation of visual art products as a result of the digital process results: realization of a pedagogical method implemented in the E-book of Good Practices dissemination: the intellectual outcomes and the products will be disseminated through the media, web and two multiplier events.

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