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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context: Initiator of the " Zero Energy House" Vocational School of building technologies “Penio Penev “- Plovdiv , in response to new European directives for zero / minimum energy consumption , the strategic objectives of the " Europe 2020 " of the EU , the main and specific objectives of the program " Erasmus plus " , including to control and improve the knowledge , skills and competencies , and increasing employability and qualification of beneficiaries throughout their lives in order - acquiring " new skills for new jobs " in accordance with the National Strategy for Youth, municipal development strategy of education, "Practices and factors training of skilled workers in the construction " of the construction Chamber , Bulgaria and the Energy Strategy of Bulgaria until 2020 . In recent years the trend in construction training to prepare graduates with insufficient practical suitability ( good theoretical training, but with non-supported skills for practical application of lessons learned ) . When to this is added the lack of practical experience , the situation becomes even more difficult . That is why companies are forced to undergo retraining and valorization a significant part of the newly hired employees , which on one hand introduces further complications in recruiting and on the other – hand-makes more expensive. On the other hand global trends in the construction business , particularly in Europe , which are in the direction of reducing the energy used in buildings and inorder to reduce harmful emissions to deal with global environmental problems , leading to the need for more enhanced enforcement trend of using so called zero - energy technologies not only to installations on buildings and redevelopment in construction technologies in Bulgaria . However, this requires new knowledge, skills and competencies. Identified needs and lead respectively to the project. Objectives of the project: • acquiring and improving innovative new knowledge, skills and competencies in the practical nature of the training and educational content , training based on alternating training; • Increase the number of trained staff to use the zero - energy technology in construction • Increasing the employability and competitiveness in the labor market and professional confidence of students that are " pioneers " into something new for Bulgaria - the use of zero - energy technology in construction • Increasing personal motivation and preparedness of students to work in a multilingual and multicultural environment • Improving the quality of vocational training and capacity of training abroad Number and profile of participants: This project is designed for students of 10 students of Vocational School of building technologies “Penio Penev “- Plovdiv from 11/12 class in " dry construction", "interior lining and flooring ", " Electrical Installations " . As future workers , they must have access to high-quality knowledge , skills and competencies that need to be continuously updated with the progress and innovation in construction. Taught at school technology for improving thermal and sound insulation in buildings , electrical and plumbing systems , heating, ventilation and air conditioning installations are not always effective. Activities: carrying out mobility – practice, country of mobility : Germany , duration of mobility : 2 weeks ( April 2015 ) Results and impacts : • At the individual level : raising , innovate and improve professional skills , knowledge and competencies; increased employability acquired European awareness and development of adaptability to European standards , knowledge of the culture, traditions , way of life and work in long-standing member of the EU ; dialed individual experience of team members in project management. • At the project level : 10 realized mobility increased motivation and personal growth of new users in a multilingual , multicultural environment . • At the level of the partner organizations : advanced institutional cooperation between the project partners , increased experience and expertise in project management Long-term benefits: • At the national level: an increased number of trained staff and the percentage increase employability , for training in construction and in particular - the " zero energy building " - improved learning/training process , integrating acquired in exchange innovative practices and better adaptability to European standards of quality training. • transnational level: improved quality and increased volume/capacity of mobility throughout Europe of people involved in vocational training ; development of innovative practices in the field of construction , supporting the concept of development of the economy based on knowledge .
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