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Nuevos tiempos, nuevas metodologías.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The general idea that we face with this project is to change the traditional methodology that we use with our students, trying to find a much more active approach and learning process , based on new technologies that we have to use, teachers and students . The project would be carried out in our school, CEIP Tomás Romojaro, Fuensalida (Toledo) and all members that work and study in our school, teachers and students (from Infant Education to Primary Education) . The main objective that we want to achieve through this project is to convince ourselves that teachers are able to generate our own work tools without depending of classicism publishers and textbooks that we use in our classes everyday; so teachers need to be trained in this new way of working. Our school is bilingual from 2007, so we also consider this new project is a good opportunity to learn new methodologies as well as we can practice and improve our level of foreign language if teachers travell to another country to do the courses, so we can combine both trainings. The main aim for all the members of the project is , if they desire , participate in training activities that enable us acquire new methodology ways where we can learn how we can be more active and our students can participate in their learning process through new technological world , and they are able to transmit what they have learned and create our own documents that help us to perform in the teaching-learning process . When teachers finish their training, they can put into practice what they have learnt with the rest of colleagues, and in this way, create all the neccesary tools to work with their children in a more active way. We believe that, at the end of this process, we can work in our classes without textbooks, and we work with our own materials that promote a logical-deductive learning in our students, teachers are the helpers for students, and they are able to achieve the objectives we have designed for them.

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