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Nuevas experiencias y nuevos retos: una mejor Escuela para una mejor Sociedad.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to carry on developing successfully our European Development Plan and after having analysed our strengths, weaknesses , opportunities for the future and threats (SWOT), we consider that certain identified needs must be reinforced to keep up with our commitment of internationalising our school, as well as the improvement of the learning- teaching process and the management , innovation and educational quality. Thus, the objectives of our project are the following:-The improvement in the management and organization of the educational institution through the observation and comparison with other European institutions. It will let us establish bonds and comparisons with other innovative educational systems and, at the same time, engage synergies among different fields in education.-Promote the European dimension and the internationalization of the school. With this objective, our view about the study plans and curricula in other countries will be widened and it will let us improve ours and connect the educational contents with the local, national and European market.-Launch the integration of the digital competences into the teaching practice. It will allow us to have new tools available to improve the engagement of the students, the fight against school failure, the development of collaborative activities in the classroom and the use of online programmes or social networks with an educational aim.-The improvement of the educational quality through creativity and innovation. Our purpose is to reduce school failure , the development of multiple intelligences as well as the increase of motivation, creativity and the students, initiative of students , teachers and management team through innovating methodologies.-Strengthen the language skills in European languages so the we can drive forward a successful plurilingual project as well as the elaboration of authentic CLIL materials for our subjects and the improvement of the communications with our partners in the KA-2 European associations in which we have been and are taking part .-Eleven teachers from different departments will carry out this project, including several members of the management team and area coordinators. They all have in common their active participation in different European Programmes which have been carried out in this school (Comenius, KA-1, KA-2, FCT Europe, school exchanges and e-twinning projects). All of them both share their belief of the need of a wider European projection for our school and agree on the benefits which this kind of programmes are an investment in our educational community-The proposed activities imply courses in the areas of school organization and management , European dimensions, digital skills, innovation and creativity and language skills in European countries where we can learn new techniques and improve the ones we already have with the purpose of improving the learning-teaching process and boost our European projection.-The methodology will be active and participative, based on communication and the sharing of experiences in a common school project. The final aim is to improve the educational quality and our teaching practice .The result that we want to obtain and the expected impact through the development of this project are:-Improve and update the school management.-Bigger internationalization of the school: increase curricula about Europe, its countries and institutions.-Boost the use of ICT tools in the classroom.-Implement new innovative and creative technologies within the classroom to improve the students’ integration and reduce school failure and absenteeism. -Creation of CLIL materials aimed at a plurilingual learning.-Improve the language skills in our teachers,-Increase the teachers and students motivation both in the classroom and in the European projects.-Increase the cooperation among all the educational stages.-Raise awareness in our students’ families about the participation in Euroipean projects.-Share the projects with the educational community through different means: (web page, social networks, mass media, boards…)Some long-term benefits due to the achievement of the projects are: -School teaching and management updating-Progress in the integration of a plurilingual programme in the school.-A more engaging teaching practice thanks to the inclusion of digital tools and new innovative techniques which will result in a bigger motivation and a decrease in school failure and absenteeism.-A better knowledge of Europe, its cultures and job opportunities for our students.-Formation of a European identity and development of open-minded people ready to study, work or live in any other country of the European Community.
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