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NSZ across Europe
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We have created our project after communication with our previous partners from our project Don ´t let them mess with you! (Nenech sebou zametat!), because we are still missing common cooperation in peer learning education or non formal education about ICT, cyberbullying, bullying and human rights. During our previous project we have been working with more then 3500 yougsters for almost 3 years and also through our surveys we have seen that our activities are needed. Now we want to extand our cooperation, because we don´t want to stay just in bilateral cooperation (Czech Republic and Poland). The main aim is to show to another organisations how to make activities based on peer learning in connection to ICT, cyberbullying, bullying and human rights. 32 participants (between 17 and 30) of this TCA would be able to make workshops about these topics after this training. And they would be able to implement new ICT methodology into their work. This one-week TCA is based on workshops, discussions, best practises and innovation and implementation to the future activities of the participating organisations.

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7 Partners Participants