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NQF Inclusive - Accreditation and Certification of basic vocational education for disadvantaged people via NQF

Many people with learning difficulties and other forms of disabilities, with an immigrant background, drop-outs, and people from sectors of society with low educational achievement find it impossible to get an officially accredited education. Without this, access to the labour market is seriously compromised. For this target population, many training institutions offer pro-grammes oriented to specific vocations. Often, however, a certificate from such a programme is of little use in the labour market, because it is not officially recognized, and potential employers do not know what knowledge, skills and competen-ces the participants in such programmes may have acquired. Thus, while the participants of these training programmes may possess clearly defined technical knowledge and good working skills, the step into employment is very difficult for them.Presently in many European countries National Qualification Frameworks (NQF) are developed which offer a great chance for these informal trainings as they open the possibility of putting them into an officially accredited and clearly defined system. Within this project we would like to analyse 3 different training programmes oriented to specific voations to 1) define learning outcomes of these programmes, 2) define standards for training programmes on the appropriate levels of the NQFs, 3) classify these vocation-oriented trainings to the appropriate levels of the NQFs, create4) a procedure of examination for these training programmes with regard to certification and 5) a certification form.Consortium: 1) institutions for people with low educational achievement offering trainings oriented to specific vocations, 2) one vocational training institution working within the system of NQF which wants to widen the training programme for this target group, 3) one accreditation and ceritification body from a country with a NQF, 4) the European Ass. of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (lobbying expert)Tangible and intangible outcomes: 1) Catalogue of Standards: description of learning outcomes for training programmes on level 1 & 2 of the NQFs independent of particular occupational images on the basis of 3 different vocation-oriented training programmes; 2) Model for the classification of learning results to the particular NQFs; 3) Model for examination of these trainings;4) certification formenvisaged outcome: 1) Increased transparency of learning results in vocation-oriented training programmes; 2) Enormous quality improvement of these training programmes out of the definition of standards for knowledge, skills and competences by the NQF; 3) Improvement of training and employment possibilities for disadvanteged target groups -> increased inclusion; 4) increased consideration of this target group at the development of the NQFs; 5) opening the way towards accredi-tation of non-formal trainings for disadvantaged people and thus towards the right on equal access to education

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