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"Nowoczesny i kreatywny nauczyciel to lepsza przyszłość ucznia"
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'A modern and creative teacher stands for a better future of a student' project is directed to teachers of Gimnazjum nr 1 and the direct participants will be a group of four teachers of science subjects and English, and who will take part in a 7-day teacher training in Spain. The main aim of the project is to increase the effectiveness of education through a teacher training abroad. The training will encompass the implementation of innovative methods of working with students and will put a great emphasis on the use of ICT such as interactive whiteboards, e-learning platforms, multimedia and Internet sources. After the training is accomplished, all the participants will share their acquired knowledge and skills with other teachers of our school by conducting workshops, conferences and open lessons. Our main goal is to fully exploit the intellectual potential of our students and provide them with the circumstances in which they will develop and expand their passions and interests. The modernisation of the education process through the use of digital techniques, advanced forms and methods will significantly boost students’ motivation and improve their performance in obligatory external exams in maths and science subjects. The participation in the course will allow our teachers to break their language barriers and enhance their ability to use their English at a communicative level. Moreover, new language skills will enable our teachers to broaden their knowledge through reading professional literature in English, and consequently they will be capable of making use of materials available on websites in English and share their experience with other teachers via eTwinning platform. The international training will create great opportunities for our teachers to start collaboration with other schools abroad. We wish to commence an educational project within Erasmus + programme concerning collaboration among schools or another European project.
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