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„Nowoczesne media w nowoczesnej szkole”
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski Primary School No. 21 in Bialystok "Modern media in modern school" was created to fulfill the school staff's needs in the area of using computer technologies, interactive media and audio-visual techniques in school practice. Computer skills, the ability to use a variety of programmes, sending and receiving emails, using social and educational networking platforms, using tools for administration of websites and blogs, data's management in computer technology systems are skills necessary for every modern worker. Participation in the project and planned courses will significantly broaden the participants' knowledge in these fields, improve and enrich their workshop. Raising the level of English language, expanding the specialized vocabulary necessary for using a variety of computer programmes and multimedia tools are also the important project's aims. The project will also allow for more free and easy viewing professional websites, web portals and using international message services. It will enable to interesting experience in communicating with the other participants of the courses and help to establish connections with representatives of schools from different countries. An important element of the project is the international cultural integration of the participants and exchanging experiences. Fourteen people from our school will participate in the project. Among them there will be teachers of different subjects and administration staff. The activities planned during the project will include mainly the use of ICT in school practice, continuing education in this field and improving the ability of using English language. There will be also trips to the courses organized by the Bios Life Long Learning Centre which allow for realisation the project's objectives. The expected results are: - Using of modern technologies in teaching. - Writing lesson plans based on various media. - Using the Internet and the WebQuest method in teaching process. - Creating WebQuest projects. - The rules of creating films, programmes and tools for editing, publication's methods. - Using Windows Movie Maker for production simple videos. - Recording and editing films. - Designing blogs and their management. Participation in the project will cause not only personal professional development of participants, but also development of the whole school. It will bring new experiences, new international contacts, interesting ideas and innovative teaching methods. All mentioned above activities will improve the quality of school's work and the quality of teaching. Participation in the courses will cause: - Increasing the ICT skills of employees in order to improve the quality of teaching and dissemination of work of the school. - Development of teachers–parents and children–children cooperation and communication. - The revival of the school community by using blogs, social media, etc. The using of teaching methods presented and discussed during the courses (project method, blended learning) will improve the quality of teaching. Participants of the project will share their knowledge with their colleagues after finishing it and thus encourage them for using modern technologies and participating in the similar projects.
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