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Nowoczesna szkoła tzn. europejska jakość kształcenia
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „ Modern school : the European quality of education” is based on the European Plan of School Development. The main purpose of the project is preparing highly qualified technical staff as the future employees ready to continue their education at the best colleges or start their professional careers at the European labor market. To achieve these goals it is necessary to provide the European quality of education. One of the objectives of the project is increasing the ability to communicate in English among the teachers of both general and vocational subjects. Developing this competence is the key ability for all the teachers that will be educating students in the CLIL system in the future. Taking part in the teachers’ developing courses is the chance for the teaching staff to enhance their overall professional skills. Moreover, all the project activities will result in increasing the quality of educational and pedagogical actions at school. Searching for new activating methods of teaching, improvement of such factors as school attendance rate and external exam results, providing highly qualified school graduates ready for the challenges of the new labor market are the priorities of the school development plan. English language teachers will diversify their professional skills and get the support while teaching vocational English while the school managing staff will have a chance to improve their management skills. There are 17 teachers with the elementary knowledge of English language involved in the project that declared the wish to teach their subjects according to the CLIL system. They teach Mathematics, Polish Language, Geography, Business Basics, Information Technology, Electronics and Aviation Mechanics. Improving their English language competences will give them the opportunity to introduce the professional English vocabulary into the teaching process as well as enable the use of English language resources, that in consequence, will make the quality of education close to the European Qualifications Framework. English language teachers participating in the project will upgrade their methodical abilities and expand their vocational English vocabulary and skills. The selection of topics taken into consideration in the project is adequate to the school needs and is closely related to its future prospects. Monitoring and evaluation of the project will guarantee the proper transfer of the acquired knowledge from teachers into students. Thanks to the new experiences and good practices our school will have a chance to continue its international cooperation and involvement into the future European projects.Our students using English as a communication tool will have the opportunity to participate in the international competitions and enter the cross-cultural ventures. Achieving all the project goals will not only raise the importance and prestige of TechniczneZakładyNaukowe in the region but also attract the best students to our school, provide the European level of education and prepare students to continue their education at the foreign colleges and universities. In the long-term perspectives, our graduates will shape the European labor market as the well qualified technical staff what may contribute to the fall of the unemployment rate among the youth and at the same time increase their self-esteem and personal development.
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