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"Nowoczesna gospodarka leśna na przykładzie Saksonii"
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to give a proper training to a group of 30 technical high school students. The training will include some basic rules of modern forestry. It will take place in German company Forstbezirk Leipzig. During their aprenticeship participants will also get familiar with managing and services of businesses working for forestry - Forssbohm&Sohne i Kommunaler Eiegenbetrieb Leipzig. They will have a chance to find out about nursery and how to prepare documentation. What`s more students will see how forestry branch is managed and protected in Germany. This will all go along with learning rules and regulations concerning running a business abroad. Moreover, participants will have an opportunity to learn and improve their German grammar and vocabulary, especially in terms of forestry.The students will be looked after both by Polish (two) and German teachers. The project is going to be monitored on current basis and when it has been finished, all necessary evaluation work will be done both by Polish and German side. The completion of the training will be confirmed by issuing individual Europass Mobility certificates.
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