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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During discussions between teachers, parents of our students at a Public Primary School at Gorzno we made an analysis of some needs of our institution in domain of teaching English. Taking into consideration the fact that our students live, learn and spend a lot of time in the country (Gorzno District is a country borough) we came into conclusion that they have problems in access to develop their interests in different fields, for example their interests in connection to foreign languages. There is no need to talk about all reasons of the point in the questionnaire, but without no doubts in our district, many parents have low awareness that they should invest in their children development, in their knowledge and intellectual evolution, what is more many families live in poverty and destitution. We jointly decided to extend an offer of the Public Primary School at Gorzno in teaching English, we decide to organize additional classes for gifted students as well as for students with some special reeducation needs.We selected a participant of Erasmus Plus program, a teacher of English who will be a precursor, a model for our teaching staff as well as a kind of ambassador of our School and Gorzno District during methodology course. Through the participation of our teacher in a course we set some crucial goals:- to enhance competency and skill development of English teachers - to develop and raise awareness of methodology related to teaching primary school children - to improve teacher’s management skills- to get in touch with teachers and management staff from European Union countries to make easier our students meet and send e-mails to their peers- to show our students that they live in time when their process of learning should be continued through the whole life in different forms: formal or informal. The teacher who enlarges his knowledge and enhances his competency is a model for his students.- to see English speaking countries and Spain personally- to meet with British culture and history in person, through classes and informal meetings with lecturers, through visiting British museums and interesting places that are connected with British history and culture- to see and experience British and Spanish system of education.The English teacher chose methodology course Classroom Skills for Teaching Young Learners in London. The program of the course includes:- methodology and techniques which allow you to implement your teaching plans at primary level most effectively. - the newest methodology related to teaching primary school children- effective use of classroom language, - effective classroom management techniques, - exploiting materials and activities (storytelling; games; songs, drama),- ways of introducing and practicing a new language, - encouraging learner independence, - motivating primary school children, - maintaining discipline.The course lasts two weeks and includes fifteen sixty-minute classes per week and was intended for teachers at primary level who work with 6 to 13 year olds as part of the general curriculum for primary schools. We are sure that through the participation of our English teacher in methodology course we extend our offer for students from The Primary School at Gorzno. The second mobility is exchanging knowledge and experience in job shadowing. We have contacted with an English teacher of the school CIUDAD DEL MAR. The school is located in TORREVIEJA, a little town in ALICANTE. Many students from different countries, mainly people from Russia, Southamerica, Scandinavian countries, Pakistan, Europeans and Africans live there and go the school. Ciudad del mar is a very multicultural school and it is very famous for a main reason. It is considered an innovative school because they decided to break with the traditional system in Spain. And the school has been the unique and only school in Torrevieja that decided to introduce a new methodology that is basically known as "working with projects". This means that students do not have books for any subject, so the Projects are designed according to the students needs and priorities. The PIC number of the school is 921745993. We are very happy and excited that we will probably have the chance to go there and gain some knowledge connected with new forms and methods of teaching English.During the process of gaining strategic objectives and short-term goals, the English teacher’s activities will be monitored by Wojt Gmina Gorzno and the headmaster of The Public Primary School at Gorzno. An evaluation is planned two times, before the participation in the methodology course and job shadowing and simply after the course. In next few years after the participation of our school at the program Erasmus Plus Mobilność Kadry Eduakacyjnej, the English teacher will implement and popularize different activities among teachers of our school leading to realization long-term goals taken by our educational institution.
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