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Novim ICT kompetencijama nastavnika do modernih školskih kurikuluma
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the main strategic goals of the EU for the period of 2011 to 2020 is the improvement of quality and efficency of vocational education and training, to make it more appealing, and to raise its importance in order to respond to the needs of the labour market and in the future to lead to economic progress of both the EU and its members. In accordance with this goal, the task of vocational schools is to raise the quality and competencies by educating the teachers and principals who work there. Schools of the Croatian consortium implemented new experimental curriculum into their educational programmes, whose main characteristic is a completely new concept of education directed to the results of learning . To achieve this, new curricula were modernized in a way that now they include contents needed by the labour market such as programming mobile devices, multimedia, computer desining of products etc. Students could choose between different modules which consist of different school subjects and lead to different results of learning. The system of credits was also established to enable the comparison of students’ qulifications with those of colleagues in the EU. Knowledge and skills which students will achieve in vocational school depend greatly on the competencies of their teachers and principles. Therefore, teachers will also need to learn new skills/competencies or upgrade the existing ones, especially their ICT competancies. The principles of these schools will also have to perfect their ICT competencies, as well as their administrative, technical and pedagogic skills which will then enable them to organize and carry out classes based on the new curricula. All new curricula in the vocational schools of the Consortium are aimed at students who will become ICT experts or will use ICT in their work. ICT and professions which use it are one of the most propulsive industrial areas and as such could be a way of dealing with high unemployment rate in both Croatia and the EU. ICT sector is one of the most important prime-movers of sustainable economical growth/development, and one of the key elements in creation of products and services of high added value. It is also a sector which changes rapidly and therefore needs a continuous training of teachers. So the target group of this project are teachers and principles of vocational schools in this Consortium - teachers because they need to upgrade their competencies and principles because they need to be aware of the quality of their theachers, teachers' competencies, their abilities and needs in order to organize good quality teaching which is in the accordance with the new curricula and which will provide the best results of learning. Therefore the main goal of this project is achiving new ICT competencies of teachers in order to improve their school curricula and implement new contents and methods to make curricula more relevant on the labour market. A specific goal of this project is to expend language and cultural competencies of the partners involved in this mobility project, professional development of teachers and principles, and better organization which will be achieved by increasing the competencies of teachers. The goals of this project will be achieved through presentations, workshops and job shadowing in some companies and educational centers in Ireland during the 8-day mobility in the period from November 2nd to November 9th 2014. There will be an organized visit to the center of Google Europe in Dublin, and visits to 3 other companies which are in this field or use ICT in their work. The goal of these visits is to see which knowledge/ competencies are required by the labour market in order to implement them into our school curricula. Participants will also visit a college, and 3 educational centers in which ICT experts are educated. The final goal of this ICT project will be new ICT competencies of teachers and principles, who will create new modern school curricula and will teach students to acquire the knowledge needed at the labour market. In the long run everybody will benefit from this project - the teachers and their students, schools, companies and the local communities. Direct beneficiaries will be participants of this mobility project, i.e. 5 principals and 15 vocational teachers. By desemination of project results, indirect beneficiaries will be teachers in the field of electronics, mechanical engineering, as well as maths and IT subjects (100 of them in 5 schools), other teachers (250 in 5 schools), students of these schools (3000 of them), members of teachers' and principals' counsils (350). These will also include adults included in life-long educational programmes, as well as companies from the five counties.

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6 Partners Participants