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North EAst Researchers’ Night - NEAR (NEAR)
Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The NEAR (Noth EAst Researchers’ Night) project aims to bring the researchers closer to the public at large.The overall concept of the project is based on the idea of researchers as storytellers giving them the unique opportunity to disclose to everybody the benefits of research, but also themselves and their own story. The storytelling will directly involve the public in a creative and informal manner creating a bidirectional relationship.The project involve eight partners and many institutions located in five cities of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions, both belonging to the North-East Area of Italy: Verona, Padova, Venezia, Trieste and Udine. The previous experiences of European Researchers’ Night organised by the partners is a solid ground for the design and implementation of the NEAR project.During the night of 27th September 2013 several common and local activities will take place in each city, following a common structure based on these four categories:- “Researchers tell about themselves”: researchers will introduce themselves, their life and their interests, ideas and opinions;- “Let’s play…”: recreational events with the active participation of researchers and citizens;- “Around the World in 80 portraits”: an event that highlights the international dimension of research;- “The researchers' wonderland”: through this activities researchers will show where they work, what is research and which is the daily dimension of research.The project will address the general public with a special attention to the younger generations and to entrepreneurs, since we consider research as a great occupational opportunity and a pivotal element for a smart and inclusive growth. Also the impact assessment will be focused on general public satisfaction with a particular attention to those specific groups.The communication campaign aiming at reach about 2.000.000 and more than 30.000 attendees are expected."

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8 Partners Participants