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Nonformal and informal strategies and methods for improve the competencies of home caregivers for ante preschool children
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EUROPEAN COMMISSION puts special emphasis on the promotion of a better health status among EU citizens, which is highlighted in the EU strategy in the field of health for the period 2014-2020, which shows that the maintenance of a healthy population will also have a beneficial impact on productivity and competitiveness in the EU. At the same time, the Europe 2020 strategy aims at increasing access to health care for people on low incomes, to reduce social differences within the EU. Starting from here, the project aims to achieve a fruitful collaboration between European institutions in various fields (adult education, health and social assistance, training centers ,municipalities, NGOs, etc.) regarding the experimentation and application of innovative methods and strategies for the education/training of informal in-home caregivers of ante pre-school children. Each partner will bring in this project their own national experience and the type of training methods that exist in their country in this sector. The project addresses the adults provide care for ante pre-school children at home (parents, grandparents, relatives and other people) as well as the staff members and institutions in this field. Thus, in mobilities there will be involved 120 people in the partner institutions, but the number of those involved directly/indirectly in the project will exceed 3000. It aims to contribute to the education of adults who provide care for ante pre-school children at home (especially those from disadvantaged families, who do not have the possibility to turn to specialized institutions or individuals) to help them to acquire and improve their skills in this field. The project aims also to develop an innovative program of training, applicable at European level and to promote good practices for informal in-home caregivers ofbante pre-school children, but also to increase the quality of the cregivers’ life and to ensure support, training and psychological counselling. The project activities will teach the caregivers basic things in providing care for children whom they supervise, but also how to handle stressful situations. The project activities include training courses, workshops, meetings ,technical visits and seminars for the staff members who educate the caregivers in institutions such as:medical schools, training centres, hospitals, etc. The exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices at European level will be a tool for the future sustainability of the activities related to the educational support for the in-home caregivers for children. The first step is the participation of the staff members to learning activities regarding methods and strategies for training and support for in-home caregivers of ante pre-school children. The second step will be experiencing /applying this methodology in each partner institution. Planning, implementation and evaluation of these activities will be carried out through meetings between partners, as well as through a periodic interaction through ICT and video-conferences. The project objectives are: -to improve competencies of staff that provide education & training for in-home caregivers of ante pre-school children -to improve skills (for care children , linguistic,to learning to learn ,emotional,ICT ,intercultural ,civic,social ,so on ) and to provide support to the in-home caregivers of ante pre-school children by creating possibilities for training and therapy for them -to create assessment material to test the quality of life and the difficulties of in-home caregivers for ante pre-school children; -to test the quality of life of in-home caregivers in order to identify the need for possible support for the caregiver; -to create material that could be used for teaching some basic elements in educating in-home caregivers of ante pre-school children, to publish them and to disseminate them in order to be used at European level by those interested (adult education institutions, social care centres, so on) -to experiment innovative strategies of education/training for caregivers within pilot courses -to provide a social network for informal in-home caregivers - to ensure research/dissemination of the best practices in this field at European level in the education of in-home caregivers of ante pre-school children The short-term impact will be a European exchange of best practices in the field and the development of an innovative programme for education/ training, applicable at European level. The medium and long-term impact will be improving the quality of caregivers’ life, increasing their competences and also those of the staff members who educate them, as well as the training provided by the institutions and experts in the field. The outcomes of the project (innovative strategies guide, best practices handbook , website) will maximize its impact.
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4 Partners Participants