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Non-violence in action
Start date: Oct 24, 2016, End date: Mar 23, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people every year about 15,000 young Europeans die from interpersonal violence and about 300,000 are admitted to hospital with severe injuries. Millions more seek help from emergency departments and need the attention of criminal justice, educational and social services. During the recent years, many European countries have experienced rapid social, political and economic changes associated with immigration, ethnic conflicts, unemployment, the loss of social support mechanisms and poor regulatory control. Having dealt with such cases in regular street youth work our partner organisations from the UK, Turkey, Latvia and Bulgaria have made its own research on the most common type of violence in their own region/country and it proved that interpersonal violence is taking the lead. With this mobility project the partners are willing to spread the good practice on violence preventative work in European countries that are taking the lead in the number of deaths between among young people resulting from interpersonal violence as shown in the European Report.Therefore, our project aims at promotion of community volunteering as an effective way to contribute to elimination of culture of violence among young people, reducing inter - ethnic tensions and providing participants with new practical life skills on peace and non-violence with the following objectives: - to promote volunteerism as a way to acquire skills on peace and non-violence and improve the community at the same time;- to make participants aware of the topics of peace education and conflict management;- to gain particular and practical skills in conflict resolution; - to equip the participants with tools for action and to develop with them a pan European network of like minded project promoters; - to develop competences of youth peer leaders for becoming multipliers of non violent behaviour and peaceful conflict resolution; - to develop an understanding of Human Right Education and motivate young people to use it in their everyday life.The exchange will bring together 70 young people and youth leaders from the UK, Turkey, Latvia, Portugal and Bulgaria. The participants for the exchange will be chosen by the participating partner countries and will be young people, youth and peer leaders representing youth NGOs in Europe who are willing to learn more about practicing volunteering for promotion of non violent behaviour in their communities, conflict management and resolution, as well as to work on their personal development and follow up projects related to the topic. Non formal education methodology such as peer led workshops, learning by doing, role plays and Theatre of the Oppressed will promote respect for universal values, equal rights, and recognition for all people, regardless of their national, cultural or other differences. During the workshops participants will discuss about the different roots of inter personal violence present in our societies and discover volunteering as a creative method to promote the culture of peace in their own communities working with their peers.Innovative voluntary actions will give young people (including those facing discrimination and interpersonal violence) the knowledge, skills, and understanding to play an effective role in society, help to create and implement new ideas among young people, and increase peace building skills. These actions will help them to become informed, thoughtful, and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights. They are encouraged to play a helpful part in the life of their schools, neighborhoods, communities, and the wider world.
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4 Partners Participants