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Non Violence Communication and Conflict Resolution - Piece of Cake !
Start date: Apr 15, 2011,

Conflicts are a fact of life. As a youth worker you encounter conflict in your everyday work. The training "Won violence communication and Conflict resolution - piece ofcake"w\\\ train youth workers what conflict is how to deal with it through non-violent conflict resolution.This intense training will train 24 youth workers using non-formal methods. The training takes place in Serbia. Participants will share experiences and explore personal, cultural and political similarities and differences to learn about different approaches conflict. Methods involved in the training are simulations, role playing and forum theatre. We will use combination of experiential learning and small theoretical inputs from the trainers' team, as well as plenary discussions and work is small groups. The course is based on learning by experience, learning by doing and learning through interaction. By applying these methods we aim a chance for participants to get personally acquainted with them (experimental level) and to offer tools and methods to transform conflict and non-violent conflict resolution. These tools and methods will be used by the participating youth workers to develop an experiential follow-up workshop. The follow-up workshop will be aimed at youth from minority and other marginalized groups (with disability, from rural regions etc.). Since these groups are a vulnerable part of society, the workshop should offer them the opportunity to participate in society and the skill how to deal with confrontations and conflict in non-violent way.The training is organised by 6 non-governmental (youth) organisations from European Union and the Western Balkans: Ireland, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. These regions experience(d) different levels and types of conflict and deal with conflict in different ways, this will be used in the training to explore cultural diversity and its relation to conflict.

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