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Noi metode de predare si invatare utilizand instrumente TIC
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project respects the action lines of the objectives for the strategic framework of European cooperation for the educational and training field („ET 2020”) that focuses on five objectives considering employment, innovation, education, poverty reduction, and climate/energy resources. The main objective is a comprehensive increasing, meaning an improvement of the UE members’ performance: - education (encouraging people to learn, to study and to update their skills) - research and innovation (creating new products, services, therefore generating an economic and employment growth) - development of the digital society (using the informational and communication technologies). The educational aim of the mobility is to increase the competencies and skills of key-staff of the organization in adult education in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning customized according to the needs of the labor market, and, therefore, to secure the internationalization process of the organization, which represents an objective proposed in PED, aiming to develop it. The project will be developed during one year and it will include three major activities: A1.Project management; A2. Organizing and preparing the mobility; A3. The mobility; A4. Impact, dissemination, evaluation of mobility, multiplication of results. The project aims to send a total of 8 forming trainers, for two classes, as follows: – 4 forming trainers at the class for Problem Based Learning: a practical guide, that will take place during 5 days in Prague, being organized by ITC International from Prague; – one training provider with extensive experience in adult education courses. Participants will learn a creative way to learn any subject using Problem Based Learning in order to provide them opportunities, therefore the students will be able to: – improve their communication skills; – discover what they need to learn and how to „learn to learn”; – redefine the relevant issues; – effectively use arguments and evidence during the teaching process; - use the critical and creative thinking skills during the teaching process. This class will be a practical guide for teachers of all specialties. The participants will learn to take the role of facilitators rather than that of teachers. They will learn how to develop the learning skills of the students, as well as to use prior knowledge all along the new information process. ITC International has a PIC 949 364 512. 4 trainers will participate in the „ICT for Collaborative, Project-Based, Teaching and Learning Course” organized by Smart Solutions Ltd in Malta, who has an extensive experience in Euro-projects and in the in ICT field, and also in education, being specialized in video editing, eTwinning teaching and learning projects. The class is designed to help teachers to achieve innovative technologies in everyday classroom practice and to investigate the added value of a collaborative approach, based on projects such as eTwinning. The class will take place during seven days and will include: - Podcasting workshop – creating interactive presentations; - creating tests; - Stop Motion Animation introduction Workshop – Digital Storytelling Workshop; - eTwinning – the community of European schools – eTwinning Tool Workshop, desktop eTwinning, virtual eTwinning; - creating websites using Weebly, group workshops – creating real resources in order to use them during the class, group presentations. We specify that Smart Solutions Ltd took care of the EPICT introduction in Malta. Nowadays, they are the representatives of this European teaching certificate in Malta. They are registered with PIC 947 821 727. As result of this project completion, we expect to have: - improvement in promoting the foundation image locally, nationally and internationally; - adaptation of the curriculum to the community needs and to requirements of the labor market; - improvement of 8 forming trainers for applying the active teaching methods focused on the learner himself; - building partnerships with institutions/organizations/media and structures involved in adult education; - better access to European educational resources; - execution of the European development plan proposed by the foundation.
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