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Noi competente pentru profesori
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This staff mobility project aims to meet the institutional needs identified by analyzing data provided by the Institutional Development Plan, European Development Plan, interest surveys filled in by the staff of our institution and by the current observation of the day-by-day teaching activity. The objectves of the project involve training 7 teachers by attending in-sevice trainings, competences transfer to the other staff of the institution, applying knowledge in current teaching activity, elaboration and implementation of strategic and e-twinning partnerships. The selection process of the participants will be fair and transparent, including a phase of informing and support. Before the mobility, the participants will benefit from a program of linguitic, pedagogical and cultural preparation. They will be monitoring during the full duration of the project, will undertake special activities in order to ensure the implemnetation of the competencies in their current activity. The validation and recognition of learning outcomes will be ensured by issuing Europass Mobility documents. We predict a significant impact on the students, participants, the other members of staff, institution and local community.
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6 Partners Participants