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No Problems - Just Solutions
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our headline “No Problems - Just Solutions” will lead us through our project. It is not only a title, but it stands for a way of living where a problem is seen as a possibility for innovative action. It should become a guideline through all the different areas of life we experience. As human beings we encounter problems regularly: in our families, at school, at our workplace. It is very easy to see problems as obstacles, and many stop without trying to solve them. Children and young people are the key to long term changes of behavior in society. As can be seen from the descriptions of some of the participating schools, many of the young people are in danger of social exclusion. They are the ones who will benefit from this project the most. Seven schools from seven countries across Europe have come to the conclusion that it is our responsibility as educators of the next generation’s Europeans, to provide our students with the tools they need to overcome problems. It is our main desire that our project will stimulate a 'different way of thinking' amongst the young people participating in the project, so that they may see the benefits of taking responsibility and action to find solutions in order to behave as good citizens. We want to implement the idea of entrepreneurship, innovative thinking and the capacity to take action in society. We want to reach out to students, parents, teachers and the communities we live in, in order to develop a positive and optimistic lifestyle. By engaging students in our common projects during meetings, we want to provide the opportunity for the development of student voice, initiative and entrepreneurship with an explicit focus on ethical, intercultural and social issues. It is impossible to teach young people the value and the importance of participation and responsibility in theory. Therefore we want to give our students the opportunity to experience European citizenship by meaningful, real-life experiential learning. In the project the students from seven nations will be equipped with tools to overcome problems by experiencing the positive feeling brought about by solutions, achievement. Every project meeting will be based on interaction and reflection and dedicated to a different perspective of innovation and agency and each school will take responsibility for another activity. Every meeting will be based on interaction and reflection. The representatives of each partner school will take experiences back to their country and promote common ideas. Crucially, although initially led by teachers, the final outcomes of this project will be developed and disseminated by the students themselves. We shall give the students tools to handle challenges in a globalized and rapidly changing world and strengthen their competences in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. We want to refine the use of innovation in education, to inspire teachers and students to think more innovatively, use it in an educational context and to give each other ideas on how to be innovative and how to work innovative solving problems. Both teachers and students will gain insight in the life and way of thinking of people living in countries all over Europe and that they can learn from each other.They will experience that they are part of Europe and that they can learn from each other.They will also experience that they share many common things and realize also the differences. The long term goal is that more young Europeans involve themselves actively in society as citizens, innovative co-workers and potential entrepreneurs and to take over responsibility for their future. We want our pupils to become active European citizens who spread this message. When working with partners from other countries with another social/cultural background, the ideas and solutions rising from this project will have a synergetic effect, both on teachers and students. It will strengthen the ability to think outside one´s sphere of experience, creating broad networks also in different fields, discovering new abilities and skills during free time, discovering how it is to work with diverse groups of people regardless of language or location.The lifestyle being: NO PROBLEMS - JUST SOLUTIONS!

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6 Partners Participants