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No Mama project Vs Racism and Xenophobia
Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: Dec 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

No Mama project Vs Racism and Xenophobia is a collaboration of several organizations working since many years to enhance the urban cultures and Hip Hop in particular, as a vehicle of expression able to give positive message, to fight discrimination in the name of a mixed race society, even in difficult.These associations have decided to carry along a path of non-formal education that has a youth exchange in Milan as main activity on July. We have identified the following specific objectives:* Being able to analyze the popria the local (district) as a node in a global world and, from this reflection, propose and spread a point of view and best practices that promote intercultural.* Raising awareness and the exercise of active citizenship of young people against discrimination, promoting best practices and proper tools to achieve effective local impact.* Being able to cooperate with other young people, thanks to a better understanding of other cultures and thanks to the awareness of the importance of building networks locally (promoting social cohesion and involvement of young people with fewer opportunities) and international.* Enhance skills about self-employment.* Improve the capacity of these organizations to develop and manage international strategies, strengthening cooperation with partners in other countries.General objective which is part of the project is the development of behaviors and fabric of social relations in neighborhoods that promote and implement concrete changes in terms of combating discrimination and promoting intercultural learning. This way we are promoting processes of inclusive growth of the territories involved. It 'important that young people acquire tools to have a voice and express themselves and we believe that you possiiìbile achieve this mainly through methods of non-formal education; namely improving key skills, soft skills and the ability of young people participating in the project, effectively promote their participation, intercultural dialogue, active citizenship and solidarity.The collaboration between different associations of different countries will allow the project to have the transnational nature which belongs to the world of culture today and in particular of urban cultures. Hip hop passes through the metropolis putting in the free world, and this case Europe, and allowing many young people to dream and imagine people like themselves, committed with the same challenges and animated by the same passions in distant but similar metropolis. The choice of the area of intervention brings inevitably work closely with the suburbs and young people often labeled "with fewer opportunities" but they are certainly not "less creative" or "availability to commitment". It is only to find the right language for communicating different worlds by age and context of origin: these organizations engaged for years this mission and they want to realize it successfully through this youth exchange too.The project will involve 25 young people from 5 different European countries will participate in the meeting of the urban cultures in Milan during July for 7 days.The project will take place in Milan in the context of the working-class district in San Siro which is characterized by social problems and a wide spread of Hip Hop culture, especially among young people who have origins from all over the world.The project includes a preparation phase in which videoconference between the groups will be accompanied by the signing of the "learning agreement" with the participants and the collection of useful material for the week of activities.The exchange provides a calendar structured and detailed features:- use of methods of non-formal education, many of which derived from the habits of young people who practice the disciplines of Hip Hop (writing, MC'ing and breakdance) on the streets of our cities;- crossing a context rich of incitement and very interested in the project, the context will be benefited, even in terms of impact in the medium term.- the realization of a multimedia output to promote music and art against racism.Following the exchange will be made dissemination activities and "expolitation" results with the involvement of other young people and youth-workers associations in different contexts of organizations (which all have some characteristics similar to those of San Siro).

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