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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the changing world, people who can adopt himself/herself to the changes,think analitically,question, confident,able to solve the problems is needed and it also has reflected on the Educational System of the Countries. Countries has given up the system based on the teacher and tend to the system based on the student taking care of the individual’s needs. Contsructive Learning system is one of the education system that be adopted by the most developed countries. It is a learning method and based on the students and it bases the individual needs and interests of the students. In this method, students arent passive,they are active,searching and questioning.The student has constructived the knowledge in their mind exploring,creating and interactiving instead of memorizing.In this method,there is a collaboration through peer learning, drama and projects instead of competition among the students.The teachers are guides who teaches the core- knowledge to the students but aren’t theaching the lesson next to the board. This method of learning provides real learning conditions to the students and makes the knowledge permanent.In this method of learning, the school isnt the only place for learning, the process of learning also continues outside such as library,museum,nature,zoo,labs,etc.The graduates of this method adopt the life earlier and the rate of being employed is too high. National Education Ministry of Turkey has adopted Constructive Learning System since 2004, so that find a solution of the problems of the Turkish Educational System and increase the quality and efficiency and employability rates of the graduates and teaching programs have been designed according to this system. On the other hand,according to the result of the surveys, it is found out that %65 of the teachers dont know how to use this system and the roles of the theachers and the students. For this reason,the lessons are carried out based on the teachers and no material except the lesson book is used. Teaching isnt supported with any other material and technological devices. While preparing the lesson programs and teaching, individual differences, needs and interests of the students arent considered.Because of that, the activities increasing questioning, thinking analitically and critically Skills of the students arent done except teaching monotonously,learning becomes mostly memorizing intended to the exams. For this reason the quality of our graduates has been decreasing year by year. According to the datas of Observation Unit of Graduates, most of our students cant adopt the life when they have graduated and employment rates has become very low. For this reason we need to prepare this project. Within this project, in order to meet the our needs,10 teachers from the Literature, English, Mathematics and Accounting branches will attend a 3 day course named “ Constructive Learning” that given by SETA GMBH between 4 and 7 May 2016. After this,teachers will do the job observation in Theodor Heuss Schüle and will observe the application of the system. Our project aims are to increase the professional sufficiency of our teachers, to increase the quality fertility of both education and learning,to increase the quality of graduates, strengthen the collaboration between the institutions, to increase the collaboration inter-institutions on the Europe extent and to transfer the good applications from the other institutions. When the activities of the project finish, awareness and the level of knowledge about Costructive Learning System will increase. The teachers making job observation will learn the system by observing. Collaboration with the institutions of the education / educational institutions will increase in the European level. With the conclusion of transferring the acquisitions to the learning programs, there will be a transition to the Constructive Learning system in Educational System. Year by year, questioning,searching,criticising qualified graduates will increase.

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