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Night Skies '15
Start date: Mar 25, 2014, End date: Sep 24, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The First World War is raging. Nations great and small are locked in the deadly embrace of trench warfare. The millions of European soldiers have proved insufficient to break the deadlock of the western front, and as the hopes of a quick victory fades the warring nations look to the new concept of military aviation as a means to take the war to the enemy. Both sides of the front are woefully unprepared to meet this new threat, and as bombing intensifies anti-air countermeasures are direly needed.Night Skies ‘15 is a virtual reality cooperative air-defense action game that puts the players in the roles of an anti-air crew, tasked with defending a small town and its installations of importance to the war. Players will either have the role of gunners or spotters, the gunners primary task is shooting, however without the spotters assistance with the searchlight and the rangefinder, the gunners fire will be ineffective.Key Game Features:- Engaging cooperative VR gameplay: Action gameplay with teamwork and immersiveness at the forefront, players will have a persistent profile containing their upgrades.- Limiting simulator discomfort: Using both tech and game design our goal is to make a VR game with the least amount of motion sickness possible.- Immersive setting: Through VR technology we completely take over the players sense of sight, placing the player visually in the scene of action. We encourage players to use headphones, to completely control the sense of hearing as well, and fully utilise our semi HDR sound system that simulate the human perception of sound impressively. The aircraft, guns, buildings and equipment will be faithfully realistic to the period of time, and as the players engage in the game they will have the sense of actually being THERE.

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