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Niepełnosprawny uczeń w europejskiej integracji społecznej i zawodowej
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Handicapped Students' Social and Vocational Integration in Europe" concerns the students and teachers of the Special Educational Centre in Krakow (SOSW). The aim of the project is to develop the students and teachers’ competence in communicating in English and consequently rebalance our mentally handicapped students’ employment prospects in the future as the total foreign language lessons count in SOSW is limited and much fewer than in other types of school. The participants are 6 women, one man: management (1 pers) & teaching staff (6 pers): English teacher, teachers of hotel auxiliary staff, Geography, History, Civics - all with qualifications for Special Needs Education. Basic SOSW’s demands: - increase teachers' linguistic competence necessary for pedagogical work - improve students’ motivation for learning languages as the majority of them comes from neglected communities with low income and education level- represent the Special Education in the EU projects - increase our students’ occupational mobility - increase participants’ social, cultural and professional competence essential in exchanging experiences with the EU professionals - compare the Polish and European system of vocational training of disabled people in order to introduce innovation- educate students to be young Europeans, open to other cultures, for whom language is a tool for acquiring knowledge, skills and competences essential for work and life- develop management skills - learn and develop high quality methods of class management for mentally handicapped students and mixed ability classes- introduce new teaching tools, methods and techniques- adopt new information and communication technologies which have a huge potential for helping disabled peopleThe European Plan for School implies:- the continuation of foreign apprenticeships in Germany- search for new foreign exchange partners in the UE, esp. English speaking partners- exchange of experiences with teachers from Special Schools from other countries to produce innovative and useful solutions in this regard.- continuous improvement of the teachers’ social skills - improvement of the linguistic competence of staff and students - creation of the culture of tolerance and open-mindednessThe project involves: - preparing a detailed project plan - organizing a conversational English course for participants in Poland- attending language courses on Malta /methodical and CLIL- contacting schools on Malta in order to exchange experiences, adopt methods, techniques, establish partnership- exchanging experiences and acquired knowledge with the teaching staff, students, parents via the multimedia presentations, School Open Days for teachers and students from other institutions, an entry on the school website, instagram, FB, organizing school competitions, eTwinning projects/ - sharing the knowledge with existing and future foreign partnersThe impact - on the applicant organization: *develop the competence in communication in English among teachers, pupils, management* improve and implement new methods for the special education and vocational training through confrontation of Polish system and the system of vocational training of disabled people in the EU* integrate with other European educational institutions by participating in international professional practice* introduce new innovative teaching methods in the field of vocational education * deepen a dialogue and develop closer relations and cooperation between a foreign language teacher andvocational subjects’ teachers -on project participants: * improve their language, cultural and social competence* build their own language portfolio *exchange the professional experiences with EU partners*strengthen the cooperation between the language teacher and vocational teachers in order to improve the quality of teaching and give students equal opportunities * gain practical knowledge of methods and techniques of language, vocational and special needs teaching- on students:* increase the motivation to learn foreign languages* learn about other countries, cultures and languages* improve their communication skills via contact with foreign students* build their professional portfolio via participating in foreign traineeships

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