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Niemiecka jakość edukacji - szansą na lepszą przyszłość polskiej młodzieży
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Niemiecka jakość edukacji - szansą na lepszą przyszłość polskiej młodzieży” assumes an improvement of professional qualifications of the students from Zespół Szkół Zawodowych im. św. Jadwigi Królowej w Bieczu. The students have been educated on fields of food and catering services, car mechanics and mechanics. There are two groups of students, who will be given four –week training in Leipzig in Germany. The first group will be trained from 13th October 2014 to 7th November 2014 (17 students – food and catering services and car mechanics). The students in the next group will receive their training from 2nd May 2016 to 27th May 2016 (25 students – food and catering service and mechanics). The VET provider is VITALIS Betreuungsgesellschaft für Modellprojekte mbH. The training is an integral part of professional education. The student, who will take part in the project, have not been given an opportunity to get a training abroad as yet. The main project's objectives, considered as short- and long-term benefits for the school, the region as well as for the participants are: improvement of vocational education’s level up to the accomplishment of possibly the highest educational results in the region, increase of students' professional mobilities, improvement in trainees' language skills, supporting for the project's participants in gaining and using their knowledge, skills and qualifications that will help them develop and increase their chances of being employed on the European labour market, getting better exam results - both in vocational and matura exams, developing a sense of being European, teaching students tolerance and respect for different nationalities and cultures, staff training in organizing, language learning and professional matters, development of the European labour market. The project enables the trainees: to improve their knowledge in vocational subjects, to broaden professional language and organizing skills, to gain professional experience that will facilitate them to find a job in Poland or Europe, to receive a certificate in getting vocational training and the document " Europass Mobility", to raise students' self-esteem by broadening their horizons - as a result of travelling across Europe and contacting with German culture. During their training the students will follow the training programme that includes practice and developing of professional skills in organizing and managing of food and catering, car and mechanics services. Every stay abroad will be preceded by culture, language and pedagogical trainings. The execution of the cultural programme during the vocational training will provide an opportunity to get to know Leipzig and its neighbourhood, Dresden and Berlin. The project corresponds to the Erasmus + programme' s aims, which are: improving the quality and increase of students' qualifications' usefulness, their abilities and competences. It promotes implementation of effective vocational teaching methods and international co-operation between the countries being programme partners as well as it enables live language learning.

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