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Nice-Hearing — Adaptación y desarrollo de una herramienta e_learning de formación de Redes e Internet para disminuidos auditivos

The paradox: New technologies open a spectrum of incredible opportunities to people with disabilities. But disadvantaged individuals have few chances of access to the labour market of hi-tech jobs Hearing deficiencies, often considered as less damaging vis-à-vis of other forms of disability, produce very serious disadvantages in education and employability: witnessed , for example, by the fact that in Europe only 1% of deaf-mutes are enrolled in tertiary education. Still worse the situation for what is concerning the access to jobs based on ICTs. The current project, promoted by a consortium of entities statutory devoted to help the deaf mutes or having specific experiences in dealing with deaf mutes, implements an e.learning programme based on the Cisco certified training for experts in electronic networking and internet, duly adapted for deaf mutes, i.e. translated in the language of signs and visualization. -- OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: The objective: Training deaf mutes as to become certified experts of electronic networking and internet, in order to break the barriers that prevent those people to get jobs in the technology based sectors: contributing therefore to equal opportunities and inclusion of disadvantaged persons The activities: (1)preliminary survey in the partnership’s Countries on the products and platforms for training the deaf mutes. (2)Translation into the language of signs and visual images and proper adaptation of a programme of training for ICTs jobs as well as of the corresponding e.manual of FAQ. (3) Definition of a didactic path for training in a laboratorial context, accompanying the e.learning course. The pilot blended training will involve 100 deaf mute students chosen by the whole partnership and 2 specialised teachers -- RESULTS AND PRODUCTS: Due to the peculiarity of the target group, the programme does not consist in e.learning training only, but also in face to face training in the context of laboratorial activities. With the previous training of the teachers and tutors. To be translated in signs and visual images and duly adapted is also the Cisco e.manual of the Frequently Asked Questions. The scope is to prepare deaf mutes for the examinations of the Cisco Network Academy Programme, giving a certification of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies The intermediate products are 13 printed documents, outputs of the preliminary research activity and concerning the existing training courses for ICTs jobs adapted for deaf mutes. -- POTENTIAL FUTURE: The project’s promoters underline that an e.learning training programme for ICTs jobs, due its visual contents, could eventually be of some interest for other groups at risk.
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