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Next steps for Spanish at St. Mary's
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context; 1) Our MFL coordinator has been an active participant in previous Comenius projects and was able to enrich our MFL curriculum. The after school Spanish club that was started following these is currently over-subscribed with a waiting list of another class, 2) MFL is currently taught only in KS2, 3)The academic interests of the MFL coordinator is to carry out a doctorate in education, comparing language learning attitudes and abilities of primary school children in Spain and England, 4) Both English writing and maths have been identified as needing improvement in the school. Objectives: 1) Increase competence of teachers to extend the provision of Spanish learning in the school to KS1 and reception classes, to establsih more Spanish clubs, 2) To improve attainment in literacy and maths through improved skills and cross curricular activities learned from the programme, 3) To support the MFL coordinator to collect data relevant to her EdD thesis. Participants: MFL coordinator + 2 other teachers on each of two separate visits. 2 of these teachers to be KS1 and reception. Activities & methodology: 1) Baseline assessment of teaching in the school, 2) Improvement of Spanish language & culture knowledge and application in school through intense language course and teaching methodology through the use of real life resources and examples in Spain, 3) Development of professional networks in Spain and UK leading to exchange of quality teaching ideas and methods, 4) Cultural immersion, focusing on what can be taught in UK, 5) Data gathering, questionnaire design and academic input on the acquisition of languages in 2 different European countries. Results; 1) We will be able to collect resources and ideas, teaching methodology for classes and after school Spanish clubs . These will provide a much-valued and needed addition to the existing school activity, which cannot be enhanced without additional staffing skill, confidence and authentic resources, 2) The school has invested in IT (ipads in particular) and will use this project to enhance the use of ICT within language teaching, 3) Enhancing the current link with the Spanish school will add to the doctoral research of the MFL coordinator, by providing data to enhance understanding of the similarities and differences between attitudes to language learning and the educational systems of northern Spain and northern England, 4) Strengthened the teachers skills, through learning different teaching methodologies as part of this project, will lead to improvements in the attainment of our pupils in maths & writing. writing skills. Long term benefits 1) Following the project, we will to continue with the links made with our link school, building on pupil enthusiasm for communication with their peers, improving both their written Spanish and English. 2) The MFL coordinator will write and publish academic research relevant to the teaching and learning of languages in Europe which could have impact nationally and internationally.
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