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New Roles and Competences for an Integrated Home Care for Elderly People with Chronic Diseases
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

All countries in Europe are experiencing an ageing of their populations. Indeed, the impact of several factors, such as demographic ageing and higher life expectancy, is leading to significant population ageing within the European Union (EU). This is already becoming apparent in several EU Member States, and will even increase in the future. Moreover, the number of older people with multiple and complex chronic conditions – the segment of the population that is already putting the greatest demands on health and social care services – is growing rapidly. It is expected so that demand will rise for both technically less complex care, as for instance, in Home Care for Elderly People and technically more complex care, as new technologies, such as genomics, metabolic testing, and computer-assisted surgery,… In this context, the Integrated Care model has erupted in Europe as a new approach demanding a better coordinated care pathway for frail elder and dependent people at home, through the coordinated team work of multidisciplinary professional from the health and care services fields. Integrated Care services are more closely oriented to the needs of patients /users, multidisciplinary, well-co-ordinated and accessible, as well as anchored in community and Home Care settings. The CAREVOLUTION project focuses on some of the challenges faced on the implementation of such Integrated Care models, taking the side and perspective of the Home Care workers professional profile on the implementation of such models. In fact, the CAREVOLUTION project aims at replying to the specific objective of improving and uplifting the competences and skills of the professional profile of Home Care workers in Europe by the update and review of their current Professional Qualifications, for the inclusion of new competences and skills demanded for the adoption by these professionals of new tasks and roles in the framework of Integrated Care models. With this objective, the CAREVOLUTION partnership was established with 5 different organizations which have a complementary profile and are all working in the fields of the people dependency, the health and social care services and the VET training for care workers. In addition, 4 different countries are represented in order to enlarge the geographical scope of this project. The CAREVOLUTION project will lead to the realization of (1) a Comparative Study on Integrated Care models; (2) a Study on Unmet Needs regarding an Integrated Home Care for Elderly People with Chronic Diseases; (3) an Update/Evolution of Home Care Professional Profile for an Integrated Home Care for Elderly People with Chronic Diseases; (4) a New Training Curricula and Learning Materials for new professional profiles of Home Care workers in the frame of Integrated Care model; (5) Policy Recommendations for update/review of national/EU qualifications for Integrated Home Care models; and (6) the CAREVOLUTION for an Integrated Home Care for Elderly People with Chronic Diseases, providing sustainability to the delivered methods and materials. As a result, CAREVOLUTION project will contribute to foster and facilitate the implementation of new Integrated Care models in Europe, closely oriented to the needs of patients /users, multidisciplinary, co-ordinated and accessible, anchored in community and Home Care settings, which will enhance the quality of life and empowerment of parents and informal carers alike.

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