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New Principles of Unbound Embodied Evolution (EVOBODY)
Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Evolutionary computation is an efficient optimizing and solution-generating mechanism inspired by biological evolution. It has been successfully applied in many branches ofengineering, business, artificial biological (synthetic biology) and technological (robotics) systems. Evolution-based models of computation in a broader sense are now ``invading'' newinterdisciplinary research areas in innovative fields within bio-chemistry, on-chip factories, reconfigurable and evolvable hardware, molecular computing, and pervasive adaptivesystems. The resulting systems are permanently driven by internal and/or external forces with long-term evolve-ability, unbound developmental processes, and very strong embodiment. Traditional evolutionary computing does not provide knowledge about such novel systems. The given proposal targets evolutionary and related multi-disciplinary communities, such as bio-inspired, adaptive, bio-synthetic ones, which use mechanisms of evolutionary computation. The main goal is to facilitate identification and formulation of novel research topics on the field of unbound developmental and self-developmental evolutionary processes, embodied in different real systems. Such systems are estimated to have an essential impact on science, technology and society in next years, this support activity aims to connect different communities to create also an awareness of these global trends and to focusresearchers on fundamental challenges and their impact.
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