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New Organic Waste Sustainable Treatment Engine: Implementation and Promotion of a System for the household organic waste treatment and domestic composting (N.O.WA.S.T.E.)
Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background There’s a growing need to encourage a ‘recycling’ culture among Italian households, especially in southern Italy, to better tackle environmental and sanitary problems linked with unsatisfactory waste management systems and policies. This project therefore targeted the development of more efficient treatment of domestic organic waste. Objectives The project’s overall objectives are to develop and test, in small urban areas, an innovative system for the treatment and composting of domestic organic waste. Using environmentally-friendly materials, the system will target the elimination of toxic emissions and also promote energy savings. The project is targeted principally at local public authorities responsible for the administration of waste management systems. Expected results: With widespread promotion, the scheme aims to achieve: Organic waste recycling of about 30%; Re-use of this waste; Product profitability; and Social benefits, including jobs (work placement), environmental (no emissions) and a reduction of management costs e.g., a reduction of at least 70% in waste transportation and emptying of bins.It is expected that the new system will be adopted into guidelines for local waste management plans for the municipalities involved.
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