European Projects
New mobility sceneries in the FREE trade zone in M.. (FREEMED)
New mobility sceneries in the FREE trade zone in MEDiterranean basin
Start date: May 31, 2006,
End date: Feb 27, 2008
The project FREEMED aims to analyze the effects of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) introduction in 2010 on transport systems and production sectors in the involved countries. A list of priorities in developing dedicated transport supply facilities, which is infrastructures and services, will be proposed and evaluated through a decision support system. The introduction of the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in 2010 will determine a significant change in the economic pattern of European Union, through the enlargement of the influence area of its economic interests. Changes in transport demand should be expected as a consequence of an increase in the volume of trade flows between EU and FTZ countries. Therefore, it appears relevant to forecast these changes in order to underline critical issues in transport supply performances (congestions, bottlenecks, etc.) and to point out consequently which kind of transport supply facilities, in terms of infrastructures and services, would better fit this increased demand, consistently with the common European policies in the field (TEN-T network, White Paper 2010, Marco Polo program and so on). Indeed, the expected surplus on transport demand across Europe towards FTZ countries is expected to be about 5.1% in the short term and 16.5% in the long term, with a greater increase for southern regions. The appraisal of such complex and retroactive phenomena requires a methodological approach based on a system of models. This could lead to a quantitative evaluation of these effects, representing therefore a decision support system able to point out a list of priorities and more sensible areas. For the DSS to be built, the joint interaction of chosen partners will be firstly necessary in order to define a common starting point, both in terms of quantitative data collection and of a macro-economic and transport analysis: furthermore, the current patterns of transport demand and supply will be analyzed, a decision support system implemented and a detailed appraisal carried out. As said, that will allow defining a more conscious merge between the European policy within transport field and the actual requirements for an effective FTZ to take place. From a research standpoint, this project structure allows, from one hand, defining clear and checkable work milestones and, from the other hand, achieving a more conscious knowledge of this issue among project partners and – through dissemination – to all the involved public and private subjects. As previously stated, project results can be summarized in the development of a DSS and its application for FTZ effects appraisal. Direct benefits are expected for all project partners, since the DSS represents a powerful tool for their transport planning activities, and for all private/public subjects aiming to invest in infrastructure and services within FTZ. Indirectly, appraisal activities carried out will represent a general added value for European and FTZ countries, in terms both of methodology and results. Therefore, social benefits are relevant and, at the same time, project description above shows its financial sustainability. Moreover, project completion will represent the starting point for further appraisal analysis, depending on future planning needs of European Commission and/or single countries, and for research activities, in terms of further DSS development and maintenance.