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New Migrations: Active Inclusion
Start date: May 23, 2016, End date: Dec 22, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was born when we realized the need to act regarding the integration and acceptance of migrants in the various European communities.We all know how the flow of migrants represent an emergency for these people forced to long trips with obstacles and with no certainties.Often, however, the same migrants flows represent an issue for the institutions of the host communities who are struggling to develop strategies and find resources to ensure a dignified reception and to promote an adequate integration.We noticed, however, considering the intensification of emergencies in various local European realities that informal groups, associations, collectives, citizens etc are developing solidarity actions and projects to ensure a dignified reception and an integration path suitable to immigrants.These initiatives are supported by the voluntary and active participation of ordinary citizens who have felt an emergency situation affecting their community.Our project's main aim is giving greater visibility to these initiatives and promote their diffusion through young participants in an international environment.Working closely with our local institutions we realized which are the needs and issues related to this situation in our community.Through this project we want to create an opportunity for discussion and sharing these good practices among different groups of people experiencing the same situation in his own reality .We want to make these good practices be shared, evaluated and replicated in different European contexts.To sum up, the main issues that we face through this project are: migrations flows , its causes effects and possible integration solutions.The non formal learning activities will address many objectives as :- Improving key skills such as:-Communication In the mother tongue in national groups activities-Communication In foreign languages through activities in mixed groups run in English-Learn To learn through the different methodologies used in the project- Social and civic skills meeting in different occasions the local community- . Enforce among participants aversion for discrimination, intolerance, racism and xenophobia- Awareness and cultural expression through the activities of cross-cultural knowledge (intercultural nights and activities of customs and traditions)- To promote youth participation in democratic life in Europe by learning about different cultures, but also find common points useful in developing a sense of identity and sharing European values. Also through an activity about Erasmus + , participants will learn about the different possibilities of mobility in Europe.- To facilitate the awareness among the participants of the importance of acceptance and inclusion to turn more fair and sustainable the society- To acknowledge of the Erasmus + program.The participants are 25 young people aged 18 to 30 years active within their organizations and with experience in this field, but also youngsters who have the desire to deal with the issues of the exchange, because the will of the partners is to be able to implement the best practices presented in its own territory. Participants must be able to speak and understand English, to facilitate interaction among young people of different nationalities. They will involve young people from different social and economic contexts.Through non-formal education activities (simulation, workshops, storytelling, time banking , team building, "local report", ice-breaking and Energizer) participants will be involved in discussions and actions to develop skills on the topic of the Youth exchange. They will know traditions and customs of other nations, they will focus into the problems related to migrations flows, they will expand the knowledge of good practices in order ensure migrants integration and sustainable future for hosting community and share best practices on the subject. They will meet the local community and locals passed already by an integration process. They will set up a final event of disclosure about the issues addressed in the project. The event will be open to the public.This exchange will generate an impact on the participants who will have the opportunity to discuss the concept of migration flows and best informal practices in order turn it more sustainable. Thanks to this comparison the participants will:- Develop a critical and analytical thinking about issue as migrants inclusion from an international point of view- Exchanging ideas and experiences with other young European participants;- be informed about the Erasmus + program and mobility possibilities that Europe offers to young people. They will be encouraged to use them for the development of personal initiatives, within their organization and their community;- Become multipliers of ideas and projects which have been shared during the exchange-Improve the awareness of the culture of different European countries.
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4 Partners Participants