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New methodologies
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT ERASMUS+ CONTEXT We are a group of teachers who have checked that the diagnostic assessment in Maths and English subjects below the average last year/course. Thus, we are interested in doing an investigation/ research project in order to know new strategies and methodologies in these subjects. Previously, we read the last PISA inform (2012) and we decided to investigate the countries which are above the European average like Iceland. Number and profile of participants We are seven teachers of primary education who are specialist in English language, and some of them are head teachers. Then, they teach Maths to their pupils. Description of activities PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES: - The starting point is the diagnostic evaluation in order to know the level of our students that is the initial evaluation. - Data collection: Awareness of all the teachers involved to learn and teach Maths and English in different ways to improve the results in our students. - Elaboration of a blog, providing it with a name, main sections, form, photographs and show it to the educational community. ACTIVITIES DURING THE PROGRAMME: - Learning log. - Comparison of the different ways of teaching and learning methodologies among different countries. - Curricula comparison. - To share experiences between teachers and students. - Daily observation. - Learning new techniques of working with children in this subject. - Upload different materials in our blog: new interesting experiences and new knowledge learnt, thoughts, reflections….. and videoconferencing (skype). FINAL ACTIVITIES. - To Transmit new experiencies - To Show the new materials . - To continue with the blog (update it with new experiences and to keep in contact with the other school). - To create a work shop composed by all the teachers in the CRA Ínsula Barataria - METHODOLOGY The methodology that we used in this Project is based in two aspects: Methodology used during the week of the programme, direct observation, registers, learning log, including new information every day, to get involved in the school life in the foreign country. RESULTS When the teachers finish the Project in the other country, we will have an idea-sharing. Every teacher will explain to the rest of colleague his/her experiencies, new methodologies, and new materials We think this project is going to uplift our school in a lot of aspects, it will be positive for the hole Educational community, by the final results. Thanks to the new ideas, materials, students will take advantage, and improve their academic results in the subject worked. We will put into practice the experience learnt and we will think about the possibility of e-twining with students and teachers of the countries we have visited. We will create a virtual world among schools and their pupils and teachers through e-mails, photographs, videoconferencing, blogs, and we will take into account the possibility of a real school exchange between the students of the sixth course of Primary Education. BENEFITS In conclusion, the main objective of this Project is to improve the mathematics, English (listening and speaking) linguistic and learning to learn Competence both students and teachers
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3 Partners Participants