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New Culture in Higher Education: Project-Oriented Learning Beyond Borders
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Motivated by the needs of today's globalized European environment, the main objective of this project is to improve and enhance the learning process on sustainable engineering in university education through mobility and cross-border cooperation. The project consortium of the four engineering departments located at TU Berlin, PoliMI, NTNU and WUT, will work tagether on solutions aiming for sustainable innovations. ln doing so, two multidisciplinary, intercultural teams of a total 29 master's students and 8 researchers, will form the so-called European Engineering Team (EET). The partner universities will act collectively to enhance and introduce innovations to the teaching and learning processes. They will pursue three main objectives: • To influence the career of students in their early phase by dealing with the challenge of sustainability in engineering processes • To foster sustainable entrepreneurship and start-ups established by students • To prepare students to thrive in and contribute to an increasingly demanding work-life in Europe • by promoting the key skills required in the EU labour market The partner universities will develop a new course curriculum (lntellectual Output 1) for the EET based on innovative teaching and learning approaches. An MOOC about Sustainable Engineering (lntellectual Output 2) will be an essential supplement to the EET by supporting the development of the required methodical- and professional-competencies of the master's students. ln order to effectively disseminate the results of the project to internal and external stakeholders, a guideline for planning and implementing interdisciplinary and transnational teaching and learning activities {lntellectual Output 3) will be developed, including the necessary collaboration infrastructure. The impact starts at the local partner universities, through their master's students, who will be better prepared for the competitive European labour market and who will have substantial knowledge about sustainable engineering and entrepreneurship. Two sustainable start-ups will be established by the master's students. They will be drivers of innovation at the regional Ievel. ln the Iong-run the start-ups established will also create new jobs in the field of engineering services and products and will strongly contribute to sustainable development at the locallevel. Furthermore, the cooperation of the partner universities will Iead to a unique European think tank on sustainable engineering, also involving local companies as weil as international third-party universities and research institutes. On the national and European Ievel, the developed course curriculum will increase the quality of teaching and learning in higher education by being disseminated to third-party universities, research institutes and companies. They will start to apply their own transnational project-oriented teaching activities. This will Iead to a competitive advantage of these European organizations in terms of attracting new students and creating more qualified future employees. The established think tank on sustainable engineering will also Iead to an increase in joint teaching and research activities about sustainability-related topics on a European and international Ievei. All partners of the think tank will strongly focus on finding new innovative solutions for global Sustainable Development. This ERASMUS+ project will have an essential Iang-term impact on the international profile of the partner universities. lt will increase the interdisciplinary orientation of the European strategic partnerships of these universities by adding a new European joint study course to the curriculum. This will Iead to a Iang-term increase in the quality of higher education in Europe.

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3 Partners Participants