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New competences for professional development of school educational staff
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

New competences for professional development of school educational staff The Secondary School Nr. 5 from Piatra Neamt is an urban public institution that coordinates the educational activities of more than 1500 pupils, from 3 to 15 years old in traditional inclusive school, but also using educational alternative Step by Step and the program ”The second chance” for disadvantaged people. Our school is situated in a post­industrial city, wonderful landscapes and friendly people. The school is relatively new one, only 40 years old, and our staff at about 80 teachers, is qualified and motivated to work with children and students. Talking about social context of our school, the parents of our pupils are mostly workers and some of them are working abroad, so many students are living with grandparents or other relatives and they are at risk of social exclusion or school dropout. However, the school has many gifted students and teachers and good results at sport and artistic competition, as well as Math, Physics and Biology Olympiads. Our students learns English and French languages, 2 hours each week and they are willing to communicate in foreign languages with other pupils from European schools, about their hobbies, the traditional music, dances or songs. They like to work in team for school projects using computers and Internet facilities. Unfortunately, each year the students and their parents choose to follow the 5th grade at nearby high schools that have also low secondary classes, in order to learn more ICT and English language. Talking with teachers about these problems, we have identified strong training needs in the field of using ICT and educational soft wear for teaching, learning and assessment. Meeting the wishes of our students, our teachers also need training in developing the communication in English Language. For rising the students motivation of learning, the teachers decided to choose courses for encouraging creative thinking. Our management team decided to choose some suitable courses in Europe for about 27 of the 40 teachers who wanted to attend the European training. After a selection period, in the field of linguistic competences and knowing the Objectives of the project, the 27 teachers have received language, educational and cultural training, before the mobility. After they returned the courses, the teachers are applying their new skills on their daily teaching/learning/assessment activities. At this moment, after an year from the mobility period, the beneficiaries of European training already shared their new knowledge with the other teachers from our school, but also with the teachers from all the schools in Neamt County, presenting the students’ parents the benefits of learning English, using ICT at classroom, educational software and creative thinking. As a result of teachers’ training in the field of ICT, English language, Creative thinking and making Social­media products, the school will provide new optional subjects, new projects of partnership for students, but also the fact that our students will not leave any more the school at the 5th grade. As a potential longer term benefits we estimate the increasing the quality of services provided by the teachers involved in the motilities, the increasing of lessons attractiveness and the visibility of our school, the reducing of school dropout. We are now an ”European School” because of the European Project we already applied.
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