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New Approaches and Systems for Lifelong Learning – Training Lab

The Training Lab project will develop a new training system, considering the latest approaches to training and learning, to include informal contexts and multifunctional training environments, to better allow learners to identify and engage with the learning process. Project partners will design, develop, pilot and evaluate a multifunctional/multi-purpose training environment for face-to-face training (theory and practice); will design and adapt non-directive training methodologies which allow the trainer to manage different learner types and learning rhythms within the same training session; will design and introduce a series of self-assessment guide-cards for the monitoring of learner progress; will produce a training methodologies guide for trainers which considers the range of activities that can be offered within the new multifunctional/multi-purpose training environment and will design, develop and pilot an Andragogic Training of Trainers course during the lifetime of the project. Results of the project will include a multifunctional/multi-purpose training environment with supporting guidelines for design, layout and usage; a series of self-assessment guide-cards; a training methodologies guide for trainers and a report on good training practice. Dissemination will focus upon sectoral bodies and organisations representing the interests of SMEs and will include a full dissemination of the best practices report (in all partner languages) with all remaining results being posted on a dedicated web platform for the project. Existing partner networks will be key in promoting the results of the project and these will be further launched via a Transnational Dissemination Seminar at the end of the project. A series of publicity materials will be produced by the project to include a promotional video.

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8 Partners Participants