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Neue Methoden und bewährte Verfahren für eine bessere Integration und Inklusion, Stärkung didaktischer Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften, Entwicklung innovativer Lernmethoden, effiziente IKT-Verwendung, Internationalisierung.
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project TitleNew methods and good practices for a better integration and inclusion, Strengthening of didactic and linguistic skills of teaching staff, Development of innovative learning methodology, efficient use of ICT, internationalisationProject backgroundThe public Benedictine Stiftsgymnasium in St. Paul im Lavanttal is a secondary academic school. The focus of our school is on the subjects of languages and natural sciences that are taught by our academically educated teachers using the latest cultural and teaching techniques. These are embedded in an implemented humanistic dimension.Project goalsOn the basis of the needs analysis, the project will pursue the following objectives: - Acquisition, development, strengthening and exchange of other methods and practices that enhance and support the integration and the inclusion of disadvantaged pupils; - Strengthening and improvement of all methodological, linguistic, cultural abilities, skills and competences of teachers in the subjects German / Italian as foreign languages and computer science; - Development of innovative learning methodology and efficient use of ICT; - Creation of a modern, dynamic, dedicated and professional environment within our school; - Increasing the attractiveness and the visibility of their own school; - Internationalisation through linking new contacts and friendship; - Promotion of Lifelong Learning.Number of teachers and profilesDue to the existing demand three mobility measures are applied for: - Management area: Sending of one teacher for a training activity (United Kingdom); - Subjects Italian/German as foreign languages: Sending of one teacher for a Job Shadowing/Internship activity (Italy); - ; Subjects Computer Science: Sending of one teacher to the 11th ecoMEDIAeurope Conference "Innovative strategies in educational activities" (Romania).Description of activitiesWe would like the elected teachers to implement all activities within the scope of the mobility programs that lead to a better integration and inclusion of disadvantaged students, to an improvement of all methodological, language and cultural aspects, to an efficient use of ICT and reinforcement of the European dimension of our school.Project implementation procedurePractical and logistic arrangements will be made in the organisational department. Before beginning of and during the mobility programs, telephone and email contact is available between the school, the travel agency, the meeting organizer and the educational institutions. If available, skype and social media can be used for communication. The teachers will carry their own E-Card together with an E111 health insurance certificate for travel abroad and a private health insurance policy card. Goals, expectations, quality criteria and educational agreements will be decided in advance by the teachers, the meeting organizer and the educational institutions. The elected teachers will be particularly informed about all subjects (task-related, intercultural, risk prevention). If necessary, a language course to refresh language skills will be arranged for the teachers and completed before departure. Cooperation between all project partners should lead to achievement of all goals.Short description of targeted results and effects as well as expected long-term benefitIn order to measure the aforementioned impacts, a development chain will be formed for each development measure, which will contain the following elements: activity → performance → use → direct impact → indirect impact.In order to evaluate project progress and the quality of the processes covered and measure the impacts at a target level, process and performance indicators will be developed. A pre-evaluation of the proposed results will already be carried out during the mobility programs by requiring feedback from the course organizer. Also, a language certificate exam for the affected subjects can be a further indicator of achievement of the goals. We will implement ad hoc instruments for teaching diagnostics, in order to ensure that the acquired knowledge is implemented in the curriculum in the following school years. Moreover, we will implement new experience into the school's educational plan and development strategy. We expect the linked international contacts to lead to particularly interesting and cross-border cooperations and friendships. In conclusion, we hope that this project – in addition to all other educational strategic development measures – will lead to a continuous qualitative and quantitative improvement of our school.

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