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Netzwerk für Mehrsprachigkeit und sprachliche Vielfalt in Europa

RML2futureThe network is devoted to the promotion of multilingualism and linguistic diversity inEurope in the 21st century, with regional and minority languages (RML) activelyincluded.The aim is to promote the European objective of multilingualism, with every Europeanlearning two languages in addition to their mother tongue. European regional andminority languages are included, and an effort is being made to use this resource ofnatural bi- and multilingualism and exhaust the potential of multilingual regions in termsof the European objective and the value of multilingualism, combined with a positiveeffect in terms of maintaining linguistic diversity.Scenarios for teaching languages in the context of European multilingualism and usingminority languages are developed for the multilingual regions of Germany, Denmark,Austria, Belgium and Italy selected for the first three years of the network’s activity.These scenarios are designed solely for the purpose of transfer to other multilingualregions and contain scientific results and assistance for practitioners and decisionmakers.These scenarios are supported by work focusing on early language learning,language learning in adult education and the recognition and testing of language skills.The network builds up the necessary know-how in participants’ language planning andlanguage policy and includes minority languages in order to make use of regionalteaching potential, in cooperation with practitioners, experts and decision-makers, andcreate language-friendly environments in the regions.The network aspires to become a competence centre in regional and minoritylanguages and multilingual regions. The network is based on over 100 organisations ofautonomous European minorities, grouped in the Federal Union of EuropeanNationalities and the Youth of European Nationalities.
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4 Partners Participants