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NETWORKS ARTESNET Europe - Thematic Network for Higher Arts Education in Europe

The creative partnership network ‘Artesnet Europe’ sees itself as a Europe-wide ‘community of practice’, connecting practitioners from the creative/cultural sector, teaching staff from art schools, educators, and artistic researchers from almost all EU-countries, Iceland, Norway, and Turkey. The network develops new approaches in learning, teaching and research in the arts in a rapidly changing European context of new employment opportunities for artists in the ‘Economy of Culture’, knowledge-based society and national/European qualifications networks. It pilots and collects best practice of artistic and creative partnerships between art schools, non-formal education and local communities. It supports online infrastructures/services and sub-networks. The network has organised its work in three strands: creative partnerships, qualifications frameworks, and joint research and Masters’ programmes. Artesnet is the successor of the former thematic network inter}artes and continues to act as a reference for the Tuning Educational Structures in Europe Project. Outcomes include ‘effective’ practices in partnerships between creative enterprise and local communities, a 2010 Yearbook on collaborative artistic research, and a specialized web page promoting the expertise and services offered in the field of quality enhancement, external examining, institutional review and learning outcomes. A major European arts teachers’ academy will take place in 2009 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Special activities will also be organised in Turkey. The network contributes to the 2009 European Year of Creativity, Culture and Education. Artesnet Europe is led by the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, Bulgaria, in collaboration with the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) and three major Higher Arts Education institutions: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn; Institute of Art & Design University of Central England Birmingham; and Utrecht School of the Arts, Netherlands with the active commitment of 61 partner institutions, of which 10 partners representing the professional world (museums, arts organizations, theatres, and local cultural organisations). Arts institutions train highly qualified professionals in advertising, architecture, crafts and designer furniture, cultural heritage, fashion clothing, film, video and other audiovisual production, graphic, industrial and web design, leisure software, live and recorded music, performing arts, restoration, radio, television, and internet broadcasting, visual arts, writing and publishing. Increasingly, higher arts education institutions develop into creative knowledge and innovation centres, connected with local communities.
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30 Partners Participants