European Projects
Networking on Environmental Safety & Sustainabilit..
Networking on Environmental Safety & Sustainability Initiative for Engineering (Japan, Korea, New-Zealand, Australia)
Start date: Jul 15, 2012,
http://www.erasmusmundus-nessie.org/Project objective:NESSIE project aims at fostering structured cooperation between European and thirdindustrialized country’s higher education institutions through the promotion of mobility fordoctoral candidates, researchers, academic and administrative staff in the area of Sciencesand Technology. The core subject of NESSIE project is dealing with Earth-Friendly EnvironmentalEngineering for Safety and Sustainability by generating and disseminating knowledge betweenworld regions by setting-up a targeted mobility scheme at PhD, post-doc and staff levels. NESSIEcommitment is to educate the next generation of professional and scientific leaders able to driveprojects trough real cross-discipline approach allying knowledge from both Engineering andEnvironmental Science domains.Brief description:NESSIE project is designed to encourage innovative research which applies scientific and engineeringprinciples to minimize or avoid solid, liquid and gaseous discharges, radioactive wastes of any type,electromagnetic radiation effects resulting from human activity into land, air, and inland and coastalwaters, while promoting resources, energy conservation and recovery in conjunction with highquality of life. All projects who will benefit by NESSIE mobility grants have to be industry or/andsociety driven, this will guarantee the “earth-friendly engineering” character of the project. NESSIE’sOperational Objectives are(1) Providing to excellent students, a world-class research experience that supports studentsuccess.(2) Reinforce research excellence by consolidating links between partners and creating newsustainable relations complementing those yet existing among most of partners andassociates(3) Providing comprehensive support for students as they prepare for career and employment.(4) Providing excellent conditions for supporting student’s mobility, fade language barrier andguarantee gender equilibrium.Briefly, NESSIE is using excellence to foster the knowledge triangle (Knowledge, Innovation,Education). To this end we propose leveraging the concept of Open Innovation for EnvironmentalEngineering for Safety and Sustainability as the effective missing link. The central idea behind OpenInnovation is that in a world of widely distributed knowledge, stakeholders (industrial and academic)cannot afford to rely entirely on their own efforts, but should instead meet together and shareresources. NESSIE offer this ground trough targeted mobility actions. To accomplish NESSIE targets, aspecial care has been paid to the consortium constitution. For this reason we allied 10 partners from6 EU countries (France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic and Finland) with 4 Asia-Pacificinstitutions (1 from Japan, 1 from South Korea, 1 from Australia and 1 from New Zeeland).Within NESSIE we plan to have at least 31 mobilities (10 from Asia-Pacific to Europe and 21 viceversa)for a total of 439 man-months during the consolidated project duration of 48 months. PhDstudent mobility is favoured. NESSIE offers the possibility to have 10, 18 and 36-month mobilities atthis level. NESSIE will support, in addition of PhD mobilities, 5 six-months Post-doc mobilities. Thistype of mobility is designed for developing and strengthening relations between two partnerinstitutions. Finally, NESSIE will support 7 one-months Staff mobilities (academic and administrativestaff are eligible). This type of mobility is designed for (1) creating and/or strengtheningcollaborations between partners (2) facilitating collaboration and NESSIE procedure implementationin partner institutions (3) sharing experience and setting-up new training operations.