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Network Mountain Forest (NMF)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation Network Mountain Forest (NMF) focuses on concerted actions for the enhancement of mountain and protective forests and associated potentials for disaster prevention (e.g., avalanches, land slides). Due to the high sensitivity of mountain forests and their importance for protective measures, several relevant transboundary and/or EU measures have been developed, such as the Alpine Convention, the Mountain Forest Protocol or the EU Regulation "Rural Development". However, when attempting to improve the protective effects of forests, individual regions and/or countries typically adopt very different approaches, making the effective implementation of transboundary measures very difficult. Overall objective / Objectif général The main objective of the operation is the establishment of a network of regions in order to develop a common strategy for mountain/protective forests. Through joint efforts on the part of the competent authorities in the partner countries, the operation wants to lay the foundations for implementing important transboundary measures. By harmonizing terminology, concepts, methodological approaches and legal instruments, the operation will strive to create a common base for outlining existing differences in conditions of mountain forests and implementing transboundary measures. Expected results / Résultats attendus Planned efforts are expected to result in concerted national actions based on a jointly developed strategic approach to respond to relevant protocols and conventions. This common action plan will include specific proposals for implementing measures in each of the countries and will support the transfer of best practices. As a part of the common action plan, a common glossary of terms and concepts, metadata on the existing inventories, and comparisons of methods (e.g., inventories, surveys) will be made available. A declaration on harmonization will ensure long-term impacts and will further contribute to improving the conditions of mountain forests and reduce disaster risks.

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  • 53.6%   450 000,03
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants