European Projects
The e-KNOW network promotes cooperation between 5 organizations from 4 Europeancountries, associated with science knowledge and science learning (producing,distributing, popularizing, and/or utilizing scientific knowledge as learning resources)with diverse yet complementary experience of ICT-mediated learning (e.g. a universityinstitute, a university laboratory, a research organisation, a science centre and atechnology provider to academic and school communities), aiming to develop new,demand-driven insights and know-how on ICT-enabled science learning in non-formalenvironments. The network will develop an innovative and viable ICT-enabledmechanism for sharing new scientific knowledge among larger, non-expert segments ofsociety, through learning activities. Science centres, popular institutions that attract largeaudiences including adults, which are by definition oriented to life-long learning, areseen as catalysts in this process. Additionally, they increasingly employ ICT foreducational purposes (web-based collections, on-line exhibitions, simulations,augmented reality applications, wikis, on-line seminars, etc). A dedicated e-platform willact as the virtual depository- and as a redistributing hub- for popularized new scienceknowledge available in resourceful forms beyond the conventional. A series of pilotlearning electronic resources and services available through the Internet or locally atscience centres (i.e. science web content, e-exhibits) will be accomplished utilisingpopular applications (e.g. Video Web casting, Video on Demand, Grid Computing, etc.).Well tested methods and practices of science education in life-long learning contexts,will be employed. The piloting activities will focus on fast developing topics of PhysicalChemistry. The human dimension of the network will be enhanced through study visitsbetween partner organizations and peer-training workshops on the production ofmaterial suitable for ICT supported life-long learning. The project is expected to have agreat impact across Europe. The partnership is of high calibre and visibility; it matchesthe significant knowledge value potential and prestige of the research centre/universityto the important communication and outreach capacities of the science centre. A seriesof dissemination events has been planned: a major "flagship" conference, a pressconference, science cafes, and media releases. The e-KNOWNET portal will be the"show case" of the project concentrating public attention on its open-to-all educationalresources. The e-KNOWNET valorises existing high-speed network infrastructureacross Europe, connecting the partners with various institutions linked to learningcommunities. These digital facilities link up the network and its events with venues allover Europe, people on the Internet and anyone with a mobile phone, so that everyonecan join on-line the science learning material, services and events.